are|Hear from the heroes: do the simple acts with staunch faith

The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC.
The CPC Central Committee conferred the July 1 Medal on outstanding members for the first time.
29 people were hailed as “ordinary heroes” and awarded the highest honor in the Party.
What do heroes look like?
They are grassroots workers who do their bit to improve others’ lives.
They are guards who dedicate their youth to safeguarding the country’s rights and interests.
They are soldiers who fight for the country brimming with courage.
They are experts on all fronts who spend a lifetime fulfilling their duties.
They are fighters who leave no one behind in the battle against poverty.
They are public officials who see themselves more as people’s servants.
【are|Hear from the heroes: do the simple acts with staunch faith】They embody the tenet and the heroic spirit of the CPC, which are accumulated from hardships and achievements in the past century.
Heroes do simple acts, but with staunch faith and unstoppable determination.
[责任编辑: WXL ]

