狸办公案例精选 | 斗鱼娱乐,多元独特

狸办公案例精选 | 斗鱼娱乐,多元独特


狸办公案例精选 | 斗鱼娱乐,多元独特


狸办公案例精选 | 斗鱼娱乐,多元独特


狸办公案例精选 | 斗鱼娱乐,多元独特


狸办公案例精选 | 斗鱼娱乐,多元独特


斗鱼TV是一家弹幕式直播分享网站 , 为用户提供视频直播和赛事直播服务 , 是中国最大的直播平台 。 在业务持续增长的背景下 , 他们与狸办公平台上的装修公司合作 , 从品牌特有的icon出发 , 探寻最符合斗鱼精神的办公场所 。 这处空间不仅满足企业现在与未来的需求 , 同时以多元而独特的设计为所有人创造激励人心的体验 。
以白色色调为基础 , 打造出一个干净简约的前台区 。 简单的造型 , 多彩的颜色 , 柔角的处理 , 给人以亲和的感觉 。
Based on white tones it creates a clean and simple reception area. Simple shape colorful colors soft angle treatment giving people a sense of affinity.

相比与前台区域 , 洽谈区则充满了丰富的艺术性 , 具有设计感的沙发座椅 , 多彩的配搭 , 鱼丸造型衍生的灯具组合及彩绘墙面 , 都是对“发散、联想、拓展”的设计理念进行诠释 。
Compared with the front desk area the negotiation area is full of rich artistry with a sense of design sofa seating colorful matching fish ball shape derived lamp combination and painted wall are the interpretation of the design concept of \"divergence association expansion\".

大会议室使用了的偏商务的软装布置 , 对称式设计 , 干净利落的线条元素 , 具有正式感 。 选用了木质长条形大会议桌 , 搭配舒适的软包座椅和软包长条椅 , 中性风格配色沉稳有效率 。
The large conference room uses a more commercial soft decoration arrangement symmetrical design clean and clean line elements with a sense of formality. The selection of a large wooden strip conference table with comfortable soft bag seats and soft bag benches neutral style color matching is calm and efficient.

小会议则偏向于培训使用 , 延续了丰富多元地设计理念 , 更具有创造力 。 在这里有:大小不一的环形顶灯 , 带有扶手的圆形沙发椅 , 搭配明橙色彩坐垫的木质长椅 , 放射线状的灰蓝地毯 , 墙面也由黄色线条进行拼接 , 整个空间年轻有活力 。
The design team creatively set up multiple flexible and movable whiteboards on both sides of the corridor which is convenient for game designers to record and communicate the fleeting creative inspiration at any time. As long as there is a whiteboard it is a small conference room and it is also a great reference idea.

公共办公室以办公为中心 , 并没有过多进行装饰布置 。 在这里最多的元素便是线条 , 简单实用 , 也让人更加专注 。 局部的立柱则包裹了卡通展板 , 同样也是以简单元素的画面构成 。
The public offices are office-centric and do not have too much decoration. The most important element here is the line which is simple and practical and also makes people more focused. The local columns wrap around the cartoon panels which are also composed of simple elements.

总经理办公室与董事长办公室也同样的以简约风格作为基调 , 令人较为专注 。 木质与白色的配搭 , 大方自然 , 展示柜与墙饰一体 , 显得有序干净 。 精致的质感 , 更显卓尔不凡 。
The general manager's office and the chairman's office are also based on a minimalist style which makes people more focused. The combination of wood and white is generous and natural and the display cabinet and wall decoration are integrated which looks orderly and clean. Exquisite texture more extraordinary.

