【知识点】贡献doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳( 六 )

At , there are only more than 3,000in the Ming ,theof theand, and a smalloffrom the , , , , , , , Wanli, and(many of which have beenby ). The rest,to be as many as 10Ming, have all been . Intobooks and ,alsowithbooks and .to the "ofandBooks in the Ming " (the first )by Han Yinhu and , theQingandwithtoand theQingtheof the. Part of the" Army" : " of ", "Theof the Army", "Jing" : " ", " ", "Jing Lue", "Jing Lue", "Jing" Brief Draft, "Jing Shi Ji", "Jing Shi Qi ", "Jing Shi", "Jing Shi ", "MingJie Lu", "MingHui ", "Ming " "Small ", " of Ming Chen's Words and ", "Ming Chen's ", "A Briefof theof the Ming ", "Ming Ming ", "Mingand ", "MingHoly ", "Ming", "Ming Dao", "The Book of the Ming ", "The Book of the Book of the Ming ", "Theof the Ming ", "Theof theof the Ming ", "Ming", "MingBrief Notes", "Ming" "", " of Ming Ming", "MingBooks", "Ming", "Ming Ming Lun Must Reads", ' Notes, "Ming Ming ", "Ming Ming ", "Ming Ming Lun Must Reads" Women's ", "Ming 's Back FieldTable", "Ming 's Poems Copy", "Ming(Jiao Hong)", "Ming(Wang )", "Ming", "Ming "Ming" ", "Ming", "Ming", "MingNotes Book End", "MingClass ", "Ming", "MingBrief", "Ming", "Ming", "Ming" , "Ming", "Ming Shu Copy", "Ming Book", "Ming Taizuand ", "Ming Tong JiTong Jian ", "Ming Tong ", "Ming" , " Texts", "of ", " ", "", "", " Big and Small ", " De", " Dezhu", " Fa", "and ", " Lu", " ", " ", " Wing ", " ", "Ming Xian", "Ming Xiang Xiang" Yejun's "MingYuan ", "Ming Zong ", "Ming Ming Zuo Shu (Shi )", "Ming Ming Zu Shu (Lu )", "Ming Ming Zu Shu ()", "Ming Zuo Yi", the"" : Books with suchwill bein the ", , Wanli,FourNotes", this book wasby theto bein the list ofbooksthe, "The FirstSince "Forty-four On18, 2008, it wasthat theof the items was . Thesuch as "" were allto be .
But there areabout the "fish that slipthe net": " Ji"; theofandby the Eightof theQingin ,the eight ' gang rape of women all night long; " Ten Diary:the ten-dayof theQingin . Theandof the "Siku " can be said toall books to befor . It is not onlyfor theand Qingto beand , but even the ' texts, , , Liao, Jin and Yuan have to bewith. More than 3,000books wereand more than 150,000 books were . A total of more than 700,000 books were burnt. "When the first edict was , his teeth wereat theof the Ming . , the Siku, theof the Wei Songsaid that the Liao, Jin and Yuan, and theof the Mingwerethe Yuan. Thewere even more , andwasto be ... After the , as for the late Ming,Xiang Xian hasthe works of his , and there are many left ."the Ming and Qing , the works of Huang , Zhang , Yuan , Qian Sule, Gu Yanwu, Huang , and Sunwere all . Later, it wasa , and some 's works, as long as they " the words that are easy to , there is no need tothem". The works of Hou and Yinwere. Booksthewere " 3,000 kinds, 六、 more than 70,000 , and theof books isto that of the Sikus". Wu Han said, "Theof the Qingthe "Siku " and thebooks died!" Even Song 'swork " Works Kaiwu" wasanditthe. "Anti-", a "Tenof ", a "of the City", wereinChina for more than 200 years, and only found in Japan after 200 years! It is a well-known fact that manybooksin Sikuhave beenwith.
Theandworks of the Mingto theof the Qingwere, and it alsotheSongand theSong . Theof Sikutried their best toandworks that,, and, andwith theworks that had to be . For , theof Yue Fei's "" " to eat Hulu meat, joke aboutto drink Hulu" and "Huns" werein the Qing . , theof the "Siku "it to " to eat meat and fly with ".meat,andaboutto spill blood.” Zhang ’swork “Song of the Six , Chang Huai Wang Duan”theofbeingby the Jin : “On Soo Si, the land ofsongs is also . ”“膻腥”犯忌,改作“凋零” 。陈亮的《水调歌头不 见南师久》词 犯忌,改作“挽雕弓” 。还有更荒谬的,辛弃疾的《永遇乐千古江山》中的“斜阳草树, 寻常巷陌,人道 寄奴曾住”,被改作“人道宋主曾住” 。“寄奴”是南朝宋开国皇帝刘裕的 小名,“宋主”可以 说是他的尊称 。这两句的格律也应作“仄平”,两个字的音也都是“仄 平”,改为“宋主”并 不涉及音律问题;“寄奴”二字也与清朝犯忌的“胡”、“戎”、“夷”、“虏” 等了无关涉 。那 么为什么还要改呢?原因只有一个,那就是用小名称呼帝王,做惯了 奴才的《四库全书》馆 臣看到就感到别扭,因此即使没有“违碍”之处也要改 。

