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孤儿:一本书的剪辑或手稿 。世间流传的拓本只有一份 。秘密书籍:私人收藏家将秘密藏在家里,放在高柜子里 。不让外人看到的版本是秘籍 。禁毁版:上一代或当代被禁毁,偶然幸存的版本为禁毁版 。在古代,保存这件禁书是非常危险的,一旦被当局发现,将是一场灾难,传播难度极大 。米祖真绣像册:书中间有插图的版本为绣像册 。这类绣书因表现生动而广受欢迎,但由于画刻工艺复杂,价格高,成品少,现存的非常珍贵 。石版画:选用坚硬、宽阔、光滑的石头打磨雕刻成石版画,然后用墨水将字写在特制的药纸上,将药纸上的字迹转移到石版画上,再用墨水滚印 。这本书是石版画 。手稿:从原始手稿复制的书籍 。其中,有一种影印本,就是在书本上盖上透明纸,按照原来的字体和样式来复印的 。书籍:由于各种原因(如运输、转售、复制、纠纷等)而导致不完整的书籍 。补充:对上一代前辈作品的补充,并已按预期编写的书籍 。续集:对上一代作品内容的连续描述,主要目的是延续原作的意义 。藏书:为某些私人目的而专门保存的书籍,一般由传家宝代代相传,被视为珍品 。经系:易、书、诗、礼、春秋、孝道、五经、四书、音乐、小学 。
历史系:正史、纪事、记事本末、其他史、杂史、诏书、传记、史记、志、时、地、官课、政书、目录、史评 。细分:儒家、军家、法家、农家、医家、天文算法家、算术家、美术书家、杂家家、书学家、小说家、石家、陶家家庭 。集:楚辞、其他集、总集、诗评、歌谣 。纪云(1724-1804),字小兰,河北咸县人,著名学者 。他日夜谋划,整理辨认,进退百家,拾起隐秘 。与陆希雄共同完成了《四库全书》,为此编撰而成,成为中国“阅微英雄肠”的学名,收藏后呈献四库全书图书馆,共105种 。1868年有《月微草堂笔记》等 。戴震(1724-1777),字东源,安徽休宁人 。博学多闻,明辨是非 。判断力强,思想深刻,是乾隆时期最著名的思想家,汉学的代表人物,因学识渊博,获准在四库阁担任陪审员,曾任《永乐》主编 。《大典》主编《四库全书》 。卢锡雄(1734- 1792),字剑南,二山,上海人 。Chiefof "Siku " In the 52nd year of Zhuo , the Qing courtthat there were books in "Siku " thatthe words of thecourt.wasandLuand Ji Yun to befor the , and the two of themthe cost. He fell ill, anddied of, and died in the post of re- the " of the Four " in Wensu .
It can be seen that theand thegreatto the "Siku " and are . Yong Rong (1743-1790), the sixth son of, the owner of Jiusi. In the last years of , he wasthe title ofof . After theof the ,, in order tohisto theand totheof thework,Liuand Yu , theandof, as the top, that is, the ,forin the Prime 's . This set of "Siku" is a, 16 open, 50boxes. Theof this book is "Book of ", "Book of Books", "Book of Songs", "Zhou Li", "Yi Li", "Book of Rites", "Book of " , , ,ofPiety, Erya,ofand,ofofand,and, Guoyu,of the Grand , Book of Han, Book of Jin, Book of Song, Liang Shu, Chen Shu, Wei Shu, Sui Shu,,, Song , Tong,, Later Han Shu, Three ,Qi Shu,Qi Shu, Oldof the Tang and Five , Wuyueand ,and ,,,, , , Yu Li,and ,, etc. ', "Yuan ",: "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "New Book of ", "Dr. He's ", : "", "Book of ", "Han Feizi", , "Qi's " Ji Yao" : "The'sof", "Shen Nong's", "The -Oneof the", "Theof ", "Songs of Chu", "Poems". There aresuch as ,andthe , but on the whole, itbe that the merit isthan the , and the merit is notthan the(it is notthat the merit isthan the ).
But it also plays a role in some . Ita largeofbooks and is aof. Theof Sikuhas made anto theofand theof. For more than 200 years, there have been wars in theof . If there is no "Siku ", which is aof books, a largeofbooks will be lost,in. , in terms of theofbooks,in theof , , ,andof books, etc., it has left manyfor. There are 385 kinds of lost books andin the "Siku ", which not onlyback to the light of many rarebooks that have been lost for a long time, but alsoa goodfortolost works. Itsvalue isby anyandintimes, and itshas had aon later ; in terms ofand, the Qingtook "Siku " as an ,off a wave ofand. Inyears, theof "SikuCumu " and " of Siku " is theoftheandandthe fineof "Siku ". Booksby SikuWhenof the QingSiku , hethe totalof books that wereto theQing .to , there were 13,600 . The totalof booksis 150,000. More than 170 types and 80,000were . Intobooks, theQing alsoMing.

