GB:Probably. Yeah. And that’s no bad thing. Go the revolution!
也许 , 这也不是坏事!改革万岁!
Neil:Sarah and Geoff there. In their household, Geoff does more chores because Sarah finds them boring and she also does more paid work. She thinks people should do the minimum amount of housework – or least amount needed – to get by.
上述是萨拉和杰夫的对话 。在他们家 , 杰夫做的家务更多 , 因为萨拉觉得做家务很无聊 , 而且她的工作更辛苦 。她觉得能少做点家务就少做 , 过得去就行 。
Alice: And to get by means to achieve something with difficulty.
get by是指完成有困难的事 。
Neil:So Geoff does most of the cooking and cleaning in their house– which as we discussed earlier on, isn’t usually the case for men. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, does he?
所以杰夫在家里承担了大部分的做饭和打扫的工作 。就像我们之前讨论过的 , 这不像是男性经常做的事 。他看起来并不介意 , 不是吗?
Alice: That’s right. He says switching roles is no bad thing – in other words, it’s a good thing!
没错 。他说角色转换也不是件坏事 。换句话说 , 就是好事!
Neil:Yeah. Go the revolution! Just don’t include me, because I’m with Sarah. I hate housework.
是的!改革万岁!不要算上我 , 我支持萨拉 。我讨厌做家务 。
Alice: OK, well let’s assume that Sarah and Geoff aren’t typical of most families, and consider the serious implications of women doing more of the household chores. Some domestic tasks can be strongly gendered – or specific to one sex. For example, doing the laundry, organizing your children’s school and social lives are often jobs that women do.
我猜萨拉和杰夫这种并不是典型的家庭模式 , 因为人们通常暗示女性要做更多的家务 。一些家务有很强的性别倾向 , 也就是说专门适合某个性别的人做 。例如 , 洗衣 , 送孩子上学 , 社交 , 这些大部分都是由女性来做 。
Neil:But putting the rubbish out or fixing a leaky tap – those are work many people still see as men’s jobs.
但是人们通常认为倒垃圾家务的英文 , 修漏水的水龙头这些是男性应该做的 。
Alice: Well, I put the rubbish bins out in my household, Neil. Anyway, this means women often spend significantly more time doing chores at home, juggling this with paid work.
在我家都是我倒垃圾 。总之 , 女性经常要花费大量的时间来做家务 , 同时还要兼顾自己的工作 。
Neil:Yes, that sounds like a lot. I can see I’m going to have to get my pinny on a bit more at home, Alice.
没错 , 听上去工作量很大 。看来我也应该多花点时间在家里围上围裙做家务了 。
Alice: I hope you do, Neil, because a bit more give and take at homecould help improve a working mum’s prospects of getting promoted at work and earning more. And for those of you unfamiliar with the word, pinny – or pinafore – means apron.
希望如此 , 因为男士们多分担一点家务就能帮助在职的妈妈们提高晋升和加薪的可能 。也许你们不太熟悉pinny或者说pinafore这些词 , 它们指的是围裙 。
Neil:And give and take means compromise.
give and take是指妥协 。
Alice: Let’s hear now from Professor Jonathan Gershuny, co-director at the Centre for Time Use Research at Oxford University, talking about why it’s important to protect your earning capacity – or ability to earn money.
我们来听听牛津大学时间使用研究中心的主任乔纳森·乔谢力的看法 , 他讲述的是为什么保护好自己赚钱的能力很重要 。
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