玄谨风水堂:八字合婚怎么合?人会( 六 )

Thefor [ Day]:
In terms of , thestar of a woman's life is thekill (, seven kills), the wife star of a man's life is thestar ( ,), andto the, thestarto the fiveTheof [Death ], [ ] isto be , and ittheoftheand the wife.
For , a woman whose life is Ding Si is born on a daily basis, herisas "Water", and theof waterto "Si", which is a place of "". , the woman was born as aborn to Ding Si, and she has theof kefu in the . , if we talk about the man whose life is Ding Si daily, the fivewill"gold"of water whenabout the wife star. Then there is noofa wife, so a man's life does not care abouthis wife.
is [the man born on the day of ], his wife's star is thestar, and thestar ofis "wood", and theof woodto "hai" is the land of "". , a man born on the day ofwill not have theofhis wife in the . ,who are born on the day ofthat "fire" is not wood, and there is this . , the woman's life must beon the day of .
Same for the other five days.
As a woman's life,6, 1992, when thewas filed
BaziDing Wei20 Yisi
The day ofhas. Thelies in the threeofand , and theof no : hisare cold, , easy to beand evil. , , ,to .
4、 born on nine ugly and eightdays.
Nine ugly daysWuzi, , , Wuwu, Jiyou, Jimao, Renzi, Renwu and .
Those who were born in these nine days sit on a peachday, which is a sign that bothand theirare more . , there are oftenthattheir ; orthat areto talk about, soisto go .
And a woman whose life is lost is not good for her .
Nine Ugly Days do not mean bad looks, on the ,born on this day areor !
Its name is ugly, whichto its , which canlead to bad .those who have torn their facesofright and wrong, areandby , and even have a badin the court of Bo, so that they are .
The eightdays are , Yimao, Wuxu, Jiwei, , , , and .
of itsstyle, it isthe EightDays. It aims tofor wives and . It has afor , and it alsolust, and itonall day long.
Withto this sun ,sits or ,has abody, and may have aandsex , so it istoand .
The eightare known as "the blade of", and the nineare "theof ", so the eightand nineare"the evil oftothe ". The Sunsees the Eightand has anwife, and the Shisees the Eightand hassons.
The aboveare not going well. Afterout, these days are: , Jiaxu, Yisi, , , , , , , , Wuyin, , Wu Wu, Wuzi, Jiyou, Jimao, , , , Renzi, , Renxu, Renwu, , Guisi, .
Up to 26. Itforhalf of the sixty . If onethethat thestar and theand wifein theareto the , as well as the peach ,andwho may have a bad , it is more .of this, somesay thathas their own , everyhas athat isto read, and 'sare even moreto read.
In fact, it's nothat 'scan face some .
But you must not be born on these bad days, and you must think thatis not good, and theof gods is only a , not an .
If you are born with eight , sun , and areof gods in the eight ,will be the mostand happy;male life.
who are born with nine , and those who areof the gods in the Eightare,theof the , andtheir . It must be paidto.
As for , yin and yang, and nine , as long as they don'tother sins, most of them are, yinare , and they are just minor , so don't worry too much.
, it must bethat since a bad day in thehas been , it must be afor the, and it needs. There are alsowho havethesedays, even more , but after, there is noin the . This may be theof the, which may bein the road of love, or may havetheofin the love of , andthe trueof. Of , it is alsothat theyou arefor isto make up for theof the , and it is morethat theoften talks about "true love".
Where can I test thefor free?
of theare born with awith the God of . They are very lucky in this life and canmake a lot of money.born under thesign of theare very smart and canplanvery well. They aretoand havein this life.
Is therewho can getfor free
Do you think it's stillif you want to be free?

