The first :born in theare all inof gold water. If there is no gold water in the , they will be veryandtheir !
Achild born from19th to7th of theevery year.
Those who are born from May 4th to7th in thein theand Sanfu in the fall (10.8-11.7) of theareof water, they are the EightFirewith toosex and too hot. Theirare that they are often , have many , so- , and have many . They arewith . If a child was born9:00 am and 3:00 pm, this Theis more . Waterbe used to.
beef,are wet soil and the fivethatheat. For your child to be a ,beef is the best .
Awho lacks watereat pig brain and fish head or make more fish cloud soup for him. This is the mostway towater and brain! He must be smart and lucky, this is askill!
Pig Brain: Also known as pig brain . Sweet in taste, cold inandto the, cantheandthe brain, used for , ,andbyof liver andyin andand brain . Cook soup. Canthe lungs and.
Note: -aged andnot eat more for a long, fatty , , , iron, , B1、B2 and .
Those who lack water and aremust wear , eat pearl( ) , keep fish in the hall, stay in theoften to take aand read books, goand , and must steam fish Andas the main food,eat fast.water-tend to be prone tofat.a lot of fast is good for the body. It must be used from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. to, and it must bein the north.
who want water mustsmart.,and kelp is anfood for water, wood and five . Among them, kelp is the most , and it is also the most . If you ask your child to eat a lot of kelp, you will find that the child willsmart . Be sure to drink soy milk three times a week. ( , , ).tofu is also .fish is the food offorwith a lot of fire! The bestis to eat at noon. But , cook by , you can't eat fish that is more than theof a !thethe fish, thetheofin the whole body, and thethethat can be . Raw fish, thethe more . Large fish, afterand , loses any. A big fish that doesn't move, the fish is dead meat, so if you eat it, you will have noat all.
can be eaten soon after they . This is the best way toplant .raw(the one with shark fins) ismoreto eat than shark fins, and has more luck.who need watereat more .
Get up in thewith a glass of water, the best habit ofup everyis to take a , which will make him full ofthe day.the time of 'fire' is from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm every day, ifwho avoid fire can touch the water9:00 am, they will not beof 'fire'. , put aofwater next to the basin in the . Afterand , theof Jihuo drink a largeof water on an empty . This is ahabit. , onlywho need water and fire can have this habit!
Awhowaternot drink water on an emptyin the .这类人的胃酸不足,如错误用此方法,胃酸会因长期过于稀疏而产生其他毛病 。
生于每一年新历西历八月八日至翌年二月十九日的蠢小孩,五行以用‘木火’为主 。最极端是生于冬天的人(新历11.8至翌年2.18日)大多数五行欠火之极,为饿火命人,要用火来补运 。如果生于晚上九时至凌晨三时,亦即是亥、子、丑月的亥时、子时、丑时的人,一定冻冰冰 。这种子女一定无野心、无攻击力、无奋斗心,俗称‘好似烂泥一样’ 。若发恶起来似癫了一样 。但却经常很倦,下午三时后便精力下降,甚至五六点下午时要睡一睡,经常无精打采 。
有生于冬天的子女家长,一定会遇到这些子女,要救救你的子女,只要用‘火’便可 。除了用红衣、红枕头袋等等火性的色彩外,最重要在饮食习惯上,令其脱胎换骨,有赖以下文昌行运食物 。
你的子女只要平日多吃鱼头(鱼云)加点辣、鱼眼、乳鸽头、鸡头、鸭头及猪脑,你会发现你的子女突然脱胎换骨 。只要吃以上食物配合大盘新鲜蔬菜,年青人不会因吃这些东西而胆固醇过多,加上年青人的运动力强,这些食物只要能令子女接受,是比摆文昌位更有力的食疗改运法 。不吃动物的人分外蠢 。
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