The Warmest Love Words, Given to My Honey !
I think of you in the day,
I read your name at night,
I dream about you,
I look at you,
I hold you in my hand,
I love you in my heart !

The craziest thing all my life is
to love you,
the best hope is
to live a crazy life together with you.

I will only hold your hand all my life,
because having your love is enough.
It's true, if I lose you,
【情话短句 520情话短句英文】what does it mean to win the world?

You can choose
whether to love me or not,
but I can only choose
to love you or love you more.

Without words,
let me tell you by action,
what love is.

At countless sleepless nights,
I‘m sure there are a lot people,
habitually closing eyes,
and missing a person quietly,

missing a face,
so do I,
closing my eyes,
my mind is full of you,
and never go away.

If you love me, I'll be with you;
if you don't love me, I'll give you freedom.
This is the silly me,
who cares for you.

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