从女人看面相是否容易说谎标准喜欢面相眼圆爱说谎( 六 )

致富 。清泉说,有这种脸的人说谎是因为他们奉承别人;所以,他们心里不相信别人,以为每个人都和他一样,但其实他们太虚伪了,所以他们会过自己的生活 。很累 。说话时嘴巴歪 一个人说话的时候,嘴巴时不时会歪斜 。这些人大多是狂妄自大,不注意周围的事情,总是认为自己是最好的,充满了恐慌和胡说八道;具有这种特征面孔的人 。前牙有缝隙 。如果一个人的门牙差距很大,那么这个人头脑简单,话多,与亲戚关系薄弱 。因为,从面相上看,牙齿属于中信堂,门牙缝隙很大,说明此人不忠,名声不佳,喜欢胡说八道;据《广鉴记》这本关于鹰鼻和鼻子的人的书说,鼻子就像鹰的喙,啄在人的心脏核心,这意味着大多数鹰鼻的人都不是正确的 。他们的头脑,在他们的心中很狡猾,并且喜欢胡说八道 。遇到这种脸的人,要小心 。但这样的人也很精明 。如果及时纠正,他们可能会取得巨大的成功 。我希望我们应该多加注意 。眉毛短而凌乱 如果一个人的眉毛凌乱,在相貌上,就意味着这个人的思想是凌乱的 。尽管他们可能看起来不为所动,但他们经常受到事物的诱惑 。如果眉毛短,眉毛上翘,凌乱,这种脸型的人大多不耐烦,头脑简单,但浮躁;日子很艰难 。We often say that the eyes are theto the soul. , we can see from a 's eyes what is in his heart. When a, he never dares to look at , or pays noto them. This can only mean that thehas donewrong, and maybe he has. If you talk , but you arethatwon'tit, you will be like thisyou have a. If you are awho isandandof his , he will not have such an . If a 's eyes bulge , such awill speak withand . Nohow good yourwith them is, you will never be able toout what they are . Even if you may guess what they are , they will use some lies to cover up their .with such a face don't need to think about, so be .with anand a broadare smart, wise, and ; on the ,with anarefond of. For them,lies andis ajob. . If youandwith such a , you must pay more ,you willa big loss. Not only do they do this to their , , , and ; they do it to their ownas well.: Face

