上 盲派精髓大全:花样翻新~~盲派八字神乎其技( 七 )

⑤、 the day stem is weak andthe , but otherof the word,the day , the month stem
There areto clear the , so that the power of thecan beto thestem, in order to get the power of the .
⑥. The qi of the day and the moon haspower, but there is also the power totheforce, so that the day can'tinto the , but theis , which makes the day in aand can't do .
⑦, if the two qi areor do notto be poor life orlife. There is a word that has a goodon the two qi, it is clear, it is , and it can be small.
the eight , and the sixand ten gods arethe same as the day stems. If you are weak and weak, you need to be , and if you are , you need a. As far as the day stem is , its seal is theof the day stem; the day stem can be born andin the order, or the root can be born and , or the stem with qi can be born and , and the day stem is qi; The fiveof theof the day dry, which inis theof the day dry.
①,to the five, orits own roots and power.
②, the three are alsoof yin and yang. Theof the other sixand ten gods is the same as theof the day's , in terms of its , qi and .,, andarea good life for ;andarea life;in ,and , area life. And theof it is in theof theof theand theand theof the flow of the . Too much or not as much as theisor theis . Both are , and both areas.
, qi andmust be , but , qi andare only theofand , yes

