6、这个名字应该因人而异 。比如一个人,生辰注定没有官运而财运亨通,应该舍命求财,发展优势互补,才能事业有成,财运亨通 。有钱人 。如果硬要补官,成全率不会高,要知道名字只是命运的一部分,不是全部 。但是,如果你在金钱、婚姻等方面薄弱,一定要弥补,否则很容易变成贫穷和孤独 。
7、List out the eightof the name of the 's birth date,the five , likes and(using gods), and make up for the bad whenthe name.
8、Theof the textbe , and don't use too , mad or toonames.
9、If theof the threeis not good, it will have a badonand life and .
Whenora name, thethat must beby is that the fiveof the five , the , the , theof the , etc.to the fivethatto the fiveof the . Whenthe name, it is a good name if the fiveto the fourand eight . That is to say, the fiveof the name takeover other so- , five-frame and other.
How tothe name from the fiveand eight
1、Theofin the nameitsfive
to thethe fiveandin the , 3、8 is wood, 2、7 is fire, 5、0 is earth, 4、9 is gold, 1、@ >6 is theof water. Where adoes notthe , , andof the five , theof the fiveisby theof :
Thewith the 、8 is the fiveof wood,
2、7and fiveto fire,
5、0'sand fiveto earth,
4、9and fiveto gold,
1、6and fiveto water.
If the text is four , the five lines of the text are gold.is that the 10,000- is alsoof four , so its fiveare also metal. The rest can be.
3. from theLaws ():
g k h——Wood
z c s d t n l j q——fire
a o e ie ai ei ao ou an en ang eng er in——the earth
x zh ch sh ri - metal
b p m f v u y w——water
If thefiveto beby , such ais a good one, and there is no need to make it up in the name. If thefiveareby , you need to make up for it when .
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