中国姓氏起源——由来已久( 六 )

本书由著名民俗专家文龙先生撰写 。本书介绍姓氏时代特点,追溯153个姓氏的由来,助你寻根问祖,了解姓名忌讳、谥号、起名、起名、字、数、牛奶号码和昵称 。为了更加实用,本书还重点介绍了现代取名改名的知识和方法 。
名字隐藏着不可抗拒的信息诱导力,影响着人们的性格、健康、婚姻、财富和事业 。天命是天地造物,虽有破绽,却无法改变;名字有好有坏,如有不足,可人为改进 。好名字是金,好名字带来好运 。Want to know theof your name? Want to know how to come up with a good name with deep ? This book is about theof luck, theof, the fiveand eight , theof, the five-frameandof luck The , theluckytips, the wordof the lucky , the rules ofthe words of the lucky , and the key to theof thelucky, it is like a think tank, whichyou to open up your ideas, turn the road, and.
What is the name study of?
in the name ofdoes not refer to money andin asense, buttoandin a broad sense. Cai is the full name of alland money. At this level,are jobs, , etc. All in theof life, andare theof . The two areand . Said the .

