a widespread impression that.Hollywood was synonymous with immortality(Doris Kearns Goodwin)普遍的印象是…好莱坞是不朽的同义词(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)a movie that sets out to expose the kitsch of Hollywood fantasy(Vincent Canby)打算揭示出好莱坞幻想的庸俗的电影(文森特·坎比)Since global warming received its Hollywood makeover, such talk has stirred up controversy in scientific circles自从全球变暖经过好莱坞电影翻新再现,天气这个话题引起了科学界的争议 。A story from Hollywood said that the new James Bond film is the blockbuster film of the season.好莱坞的一篇文章说,詹姆斯·邦德新拍的那个电影是这一季度最成功的片子 。Hollywood blockbuster好莱坞大片The tinsel and glamor of Hollywood好莱坞的浮华与诱惑力The gloss and glitter of Hollywood好莱坞的虚荣与豪华In Hollywood, pretty girls are a dime a dozen在好莱坞漂亮姑娘多的是 。A constellation of Hollywood talent好莱坞的一群才俊.They are constellation of Hollywood talent.他们是好莱坞的一群才俊 。hollywood是什么意思:
n. 好莱坞
【好莱坞的英文怎么?】It's a spoof on Hollywood life.这是一部拿好莱坞生活开玩笑的作品 。to Hollywood for the Oscars -- but he was stingy with details一会儿又到好莱坞参加奥斯卡颁奖--但他对详细经过守口如瓶 。Hollywood has many old movie sets.好莱坞有许多电影布景 。As a director, he is currently in the ascendant in Hollywood.作为一个导演,他目前在好莱坞正红极一时 。His first job in Hollywood was as a double for Clrak Gable.他在好莱坞的第一个工作是作为克拉克盖保的替身演员 。
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