第1510天:牛年最后一天的清晨 , 英文人物动作描写
第1510天? 英语超级写作奶爸 , 4.1年双语日记记录女儿生活
【第1510天:牛年最后一天的清晨,英文人物动作描写】中英合计:103.8万字 英文41.6万字 , 中文62.2万字
第1510天 (4.1年) 2022年1月31日 (一)
A Diary for My Yunduo'er ?
Day 1510, Jan 31, 2022 (Mon)
Again the morning dawned bright and sunny, just like yesterday. Mummy dolled you up with a festive red dress of traditional Chinese style and plaited your hair into braids for this last day of the Year of Ox.
跟昨天一样 , 又是一个阳光明媚的清晨 。今天是牛年的最后一天 , 妈妈给你穿上了一件喜庆的红色汉服 , 给你编上辫子 。
On the way to the basement car park, you picked up a dead leaf from the ground and held it in your hand as if it were from a newly unearthed hoard of treasure. Moments later, somehow the leaf slipped through your fingers to the ground and bounded away in a blast of wind. You turned around, hastened to chase it and kind of pounced on it.
去地下停车厂的路上 , 你从地上捡了一片枯叶 , 你手上拿叶子的样子就如同那叶子是刚刚挖出来的一件财宝 。过了一会儿 , 不知怎的叶子从你手里滑落到了地上 , 刮来一阵风 , 叶子蹦蹦跳跳地被刮走了 。你转身迅速追那叶子 , 急切地把叶子捡了回来 。
doll up 打扮
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