
toy的中文意思是玩具,玩弄,句中作为名词、动词和形容词使用 。一、词汇分析toy英 [t??]n. 玩具;小装饰品vi. 玩弄;调情adj. 作为玩具的二、短语1、toy with 玩弄2、toy shop n. 玩具店3、toy train 玩具火车4、wooden toy 木制玩具5、toy poodle 玩具贵宾犬6、universe toy company 宇宙玩具公司7、toy bricks 积木三、例句1、He was really too old for children's toys.他确实过了玩孩子的玩具的年纪了 。2、I like your toy! 我喜欢你的玩具!
【Toy中文意思是什么?】近义词有 nick-nack , plaything,play fast and loose , trifle with 。一、plaything英 ['ple?θ??]n. 玩物;玩具The seventh child was a boy, the answer to his parents’ prayer, the pet andplaything of his elder sisters. 第七个孩子是个男孩,这是对父母的祈祷和姐姐们准备的宠物与玩具的回报 。二、trifle with玩弄;视同儿戏1、It is not wise to trifle with them. 轻视它们是不明智的 。2、Dont frown with the trifle every day , give yourself more smile! 你不要为每天烦琐的事情而皱眉,给自己多一点笑容 。

