Chorus: django!
Django, have you always been alone?
Chorus: django!
Django, have you never loved again?
Love will live on, oh oh oh...
Life must go on, oh oh oh...
For you cannot spend your life regreatting.
Chorus: django!
Django, you must face another day.
Chorus: django!
Django, now your love has gone away.
Once you loved her, whoa-oh...
Now you've lost her, whoa-oh-oh-oh...
But you've lost her for-ever, django.
When there are clouds in the skies, and they are grey.
You may be sad but remember that love will pass away.
Oh django!
After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...
[instrumental solo]
Once you loved her, whoa-oh...
Now you've lost her, whoa-oh-oh-oh...
But you've lost her for-ever, django.
When there are clouds in the skies, and they are grey.
You may be sad but remember that love will pass away.
Oh django!
After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...
Oh oh oh django!
You must go on,
【Django被解救的姜戈,开头医生解救姜戈的对话,英语最好,中文也行?】Oh oh oh django...
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