angel 和 angle哪个是「天使」?

angel 和 angle 哪个是「天使」
desert 和 dessert 哪个是「甜点」
8 组超常见超像的易混淆单词
1- super vs. supper
super (adj.) 超棒的、极好的
This is a super amazing opportunity. Seize it!
这是一个超棒的机会 。好好把握!
supper (n.) 晚餐、晚饭
We had supper at my parents’ place last night.
昨天晚上我们在我父母家吃晚餐 。
2- diary vs. dairy
diary (n.) 日记
I have been keeping a diary since I was young. I want to keep record of every precious moment.
我从很小的时候就开始写日记了 。我想要记下每一个珍贵的时刻 。
dairy (adj.) 乳制品、牛奶的;(n.) 乳牛、乳品店
We buy milk at the dairy store every week.
我们每个礼拜都会在乳品店买牛奶 。
3- from vs. form
from (prep.) 从、来自
Meeting people who come from the other side of the world is a really exciting experience.
认识来自世界另一端的人是一个非常令人兴奋的经验 。
form (n.) 表格;(v.) 组成、组织
Please fill in the application form and submit it by the end of the week.
请填写申请表 , 并在这周结束前递交 。
4- quiet vs. quite
quiet (adj.) 安静的、平静的
Be quiet! You guys are making too much noise!
quite (adv.) 相当、完全、彻底
I think what you did is actually quite impressing.
我觉得你做的事情真的蛮令人惊艳的 。
5- aboard vs. abroad
aboard (adv.) 上车、上船
All passengers aboard fell into the ocean.
船上所有乘客皆落入海中 。
abroad (adj.) 海外、国外的;(adv.) 在国外、广为流传
Josh is studying abroad at the moment.
Josh 现在在国外念书 。
6- angel vs. angle
angel (n.) 天使
My girl is kind and beautiful. She’s such an angel!
我的女孩善良又漂亮 。她根本就是个天使!
angle (n.) 角度、角、观点
【angel 和 angle哪个是「天使」?】We are trying to look at the affair from a different angle.
我们正尝试著从不同的角度来看待这件事情 。
7- desert vs. dessert
desert (n.) 沙漠
The Sahara desert is located across Northern Africa.
撒哈拉沙漠位于北非 。
dessert (n.) 点心、甜食
What can be better then a brownie for dessert!
8- contact vs. contract
contact (v.) 联络、接触;(n.) 接触、熟人;(adj.) 接触的、联络的
Can I have your contact number, please?
contract (n.) 合约、契约
Read the contract carefully before you sign.
签名前请详阅合约 。

