In the clothes match, the different colors are characterized, the base color is relatively simple, and it is easy to look at it. However, many women think that the base color will appear monotonous when they match, and if they do not join the color, there is no personality. So in the past two years, the brightness of the bright color is getting more popular, wearing fashion, and is very attractive. But the brightness of the bright color is not an easy task. If ther
e is a certain problem, it is not practical to match, the bright color single product is a fashion effect, or even cause more darkness. The British Lands and 3rd generations of the same box, the rose red and big red seems to be especially exaggerated, and the prostitute is red and green is more eye-catching. I. British and prostitute fashion analysis analyzes, rose red, big red, difficult to control the visual impact, strong in color, Many women are very conservati
ve, because in the costumes, the color belongs to control One, because the color is very much, there is a different saturation, so it has a certain obstacle. Most women are more conservative, almost no two colors that are too bright. British is a very unfamiliar rose, which is very unfamiliar with Asian skin, is a color of the fluorescent color. When your face is closer, it will take out the skin color special dullness. The lower body is to choose a big red to matc
【侄女 英拉祖孙三代同框,她玫红配大红打扮太浮夸,却没侄女红配绿抢眼】
h. The color collision of two saturation is indeed a certain impact force for the visual, so it is slightly exaggerated, in this aspect, when there are two saturations When high colors appear, the driving difficulty is not said, and the fashion and temperament will also be greatly reduced. Analysis 2: Red and green classic partners are also turning into the car, which is now very stylish, so the color of women's clothing has stronger style and fusion, and the red g
reen will often be put together, and The two colors are also a classic partner, but the red color saturation is not good, and it is also easy to turn over. Yingliji women have chosen a fluorescent green. This kind of green dress will look down on the body, and the difficulty is difficult to improve, the lower body is a rose red tights. The style of the pants will have certain boundness of the body, and it is particularly easy to expose, because the color is high, i
t is easier to see the problem on the body. Therefore, when choosing a high saturation color, it must be considered whether the body can be perfectly controlled, what is the state of presented. Second, how does the bright color match correctly? 1. Using bright colors and dark together in combination with bright colors as a match, it is more taboo. It is all bright colors, without any other foundation or darkness intervention. In this color, there is a careful machi
ne. To play color echo, the bright color single product itself is difficult to control. If you don't wear some dark-colored systems, form a common combination, for the model It is especially possible to make mistakes. So, in any season, learn the brightness and darkness of the brilliance and the binding method, it can greatly reduce the difficulty of color matching. 2, the whole body bright color should not exceed three kinds, the area does not have to have a princ
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