△场地照片及规划效果图 ?英国杰典国际建筑 BAIDI
Site Photo and Masterplan Rendering
△总平面图 ?英国杰典国际建筑 BAIDI
尊重自然 , 与自然共生的项目愿景
Symbiosis: The Art of Living Together
规划设计以保护周边特殊自然资源和整体可持续发展为原则 , 通过湿地治理、红树林保护、采石场修复、鸽子栖息地和海洋资源保护等一系列措施 , 与周边环境建立共生关系 。 坚持人与自然、人与建筑、建筑与自然相互融合 , 为人们展现一座开放的、与人友好、与自然共生的大型 “生态博物馆”。
The planning and design is based on the principle of protecting the surrounding natural resources and overall sustainable development, and establishing a symbiotic relationship with the environment through a series of measures such as wetland management, mangrove conservation, quarry restoration, dove habitat and marine resources protection. It insists on the mutual integration of man and nature, man and architecture, and architecture and nature, to present a large "ecological museum" that is open, friendly with people and symbiotic with nature.
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