Recently, the uniforms of the cleaning teams of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games were revealed online. With bright orange as its primary color and reflective strips on its surface, the uniform has a complementary color scheme and dazzling design. But the uniform not only boasts a striking appearance, its material makes it comparable to down in insulating the wearer. Wearing this attractive and warm uniform, the sanitation workers at the Winter Olympic Games can feel the warmth though working in very low temperatures.
近日 , 2022年冬奥会清废团队的工作服套装在网上曝光 。 橙色的底色 , 加上反光条 , 酷炫的配色和设计让人眼前一亮 。 不仅颜值高 , 这套工作服保暖性媲美羽绒 。 身穿这套又好看又保暖的工作服套装 , 冬奥会现场的环卫工人们即使在“冰天雪地”的户外工作 , 也能感受到阵阵暖意 。
但是 , 千万不要以为这件衣服跟你无关哦!
This suit uses a new material named rPET. This is a recycled material made of plastic beverage bottles. After sorting, slicing, drawing, cooling and collecting the recycled materials, they are woven into yarn and finally made into clothing fabrics.
这款衣服采用了一种叫做rPET的新型材质 。 这是一款由塑料饮料瓶制成的再生材质 , 通过对回收的饮料瓶进行分拣、切片、抽丝、冷却、收集后 , 织成纱线 , 最后做成衣服面料 。
注:rPET:recycled PET , 塑料饮料瓶再生材质 。 PET则为聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 , polyethylene terephthalate的缩写 。
The design of this suit is also unique. There is a Chinese character "回" in the middle of the coat, which echoes a new paradigm for sustainability. In this way, the front-line sanitation workers will also represent the key touch-points of sustainable development when serving the event.
这套服装的设计也别出心裁 , 上衣中间有个巨大的“回”字 , 呼应可持续发展的理念 。 这样一来 , 服务于冬奥的一线场馆环卫人员也成为了可持续发展理念的传播者 。
Recycling bottles is very useful. In addition to being woven into clothes, they can also be used to make sunglasses, plastic barrels, decorate walls, etc. However, the material used in these products is called rPETG, which is harder than rPET.
被回收的饮料瓶用处多多 , 除了被织成衣物 , 还可以用来制作太阳眼镜、塑料桶、装饰墙面等 。 只不过这些产品采用的材料被称为rPETG , 与rPET相比质地较硬 。
The striking slogans of "recycle me", "see you later" and "I am back" on the side of bins for collecting used beverage bottles made with rPETG make the simple action of throwing a beverage bottle full of a sense of accomplishment.
桶身侧边醒目的“回收我”、“回头见”、“回来了”插画 , 让扔饮料瓶这一个简单的举动都充满使命感 。
如果以上所有的单品和展览都还未来得及出现在你的身边?没关系 , 拿起你手边的快乐水 , 你一定会发现 , 包装上有一个新的标志:“回收我”字样 。 它提醒你喝完可乐后 , 记得把瓶子投入正确的垃圾箱 , 帮助它开启循环再生之旅 。 没准哪一天 , 它又会回到你的身边 。
From plastic bottles to the uniforms of cleaning teams, "WeCare bag" and community exhibitions, the ideas and actions of protecting the environment have already penetrated our lives, and the value brought by recycling has already been delivered among different members of society. Environmental protection, we really care!
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