领悟雅思“无词阅读法”是什么?( 二 )

如果在原文中找到了定位词,那么只需要判断其在原文中的方向与题干的方向是否一致 。如果一致,则为TRUE;矛盾,则为FALSE 。如果既不一致又不矛盾,则为NOT GIVEN 。而原文和题干中有多少个生词,都变得无关紧要,从而实现了“无词阅读” 。
原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise 。
题干:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying 。
对于这道题,“尘埃中人”一看就傻眼,因为原文中ecological, at a loss, demise都是生词 。
首先,本题的定位词为Biologists(Topic),然后洞悉本题的考点词为unable to explain,属于典型的表语上的是非判断考点词,对应原文的考点是at a loss to explain 。
loss是负向词,而unable也是负向词,原文与题干在考点上方向相同 。那么本题就应该是TRUE 。
原文:Los Angeles has some of the world’s cleanest cars-far better than those of Europe-but the total number of miles those cars drive continues to grow 。
题干:Residents of Los Angeles are now tending to reduce the yearly distances they travel by car 。
这道题定位词为Residents of Los Angeles(Topic),考点词为tend to reduce(负项),属于典型的谓语上的是非判断考点词,对应原文but后面continue to 。

