And it"s no stranger to making unconventional picks: In 2016, the company chose a gradient made out of two shades, Rose Quartz and Serenity, to reflect a year defined by shifting gender politics. In 2020, not one but two colors -- Ultimate Gray and Illuminating (a vibrant yellow) -- were selected to capture both the resilience and optimism shown during the first year of the pandemic.
The annual task of forecasting the color that will best reflect the year ahead has been a more than 20-year endeavor, beginning as a desire to cultivate conversations around the power of color, says Eiseman.
"We first did color of the year to get people talking about (the role of) color," she said. "And once you get them talking about it, you then create a buzz and the realization hits them: color is such an integral part of our everyday lives, but we take it for granted."
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