“我们并不是与世隔绝 , 我们活在思想和对话中 , 因此活在世界的中心 。 只不过是在另一块土地上 , 我们和大多数人之间并没有泾渭分明的区别 , 我们只是用另外一种目光看世界 。 我们的任务是在世界上建起一个岛屿 , 推出另种生存的可能性 。 ”——赫尔曼?黑塞
"We are not isolated from the world, we live in ideas, conversations and in the center of the world.In another land,there is no clear distinction between most people and us, we just see the world in different eye. Our task is to build an island in the world, to launch another possibility of existence." -- Herman Hesse
在当代社会中 , 人们除了在乎高效、体面而外 , 更应当留住那转瞬即逝的“静谧” 。 在进门玄关处的顶面 , 我们并没有做过多的装饰 , 而是保留了原本建筑的钢筋混凝土 , 那种非机械的、自然的质感 。 水泥灰色调 , 可以给人一丝压抑感;适当的压抑感会让人产生那种与世隔绝的沉静 。
In contemporary society, people should care about not only efficiency and decency, but also retain the transient "quietness". We did not decorate the top surface of the entrance, but kept the non-mechanical and natural texture of the reinforced concrete of the original building. The cement gray tone can give people a sense of depression; a proper sense of depression will give people a sense of isolation and silence.
本项目是一对90后丁克夫妻 , 希望通过200㎡的空间打造一个从城市喧嚣过渡到安静勿扰的心灵之所 。 一个完全只属于两个人的空间 , 可以掌控自己生活、建立秩序 , 来对抗外界压力的精神居所 。 躲避城市的喧嚣、复杂的人际关系、白天工作的压力 , 享受家的安静 , 甚至是一种只有两个人孤独感 。 家不仅是港湾 , 更是逃离社会 , 放纵自己 , 敞开自己 , 包容自己的地方 。
This project is a post-90s dinky couple who want to create a place for the mind to transition from the hustle and bustle of the city in the space of 200㎡. A space that only belongs to the couple , a spiritual residence where they can control their own lives and establish an order to combat external pressure. Escape the hustle and bustle of the city, the complexity of relationships, the stress of the job, and enjoy the quiet of home. Home is not only a harbor, but also a place to escape from society, to indulge yourself, to open yourself, to embrace yourself.
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