【国际中国艺术家刘景路获得2021意大利IIDA AWARD 国际设计大奖最高奖】Director of the world Chinese Artists Association, director of the Chinese Painters Association, academician of the Chinese calligraphy and painting art research institute, vice chairman of the Art Committee of the Chinese calligraphy and painting masters network, vice president of the China International Calligraphy and painting masters Research Institute, director of the China farmers calligraphy and Painting Research Association, director of the Chinese celebrity magazine, vice chairman of the world calligraphy and Painting Association, and President of the International Council of Red Oriental Art、The first president of the Chinese art cross-boundary Alliance of the rain project.In 2019, it won the "world mind map ambassador" (UK) and the "world mind map Contribution Award". In 2019, the Chinese culture and art talent pool decided to award artist Liu Jinglu the 2018 "peace Art Award" (China culture and art talent management center and China culture and art talent pool); In October 2018, it was awarded the title of "cultural communication ambassador" by China culture and art talent pool;In 1999, he was selected into China’s twenty-one th century talent pool.
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