show “Power highways” contributes to Chinas carbon emission
ANHUI, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) --Climbing and walking over 100 meters high, the power transmission construction workers are known as "spider man". They are working around the clock to ensure that a critical project connecting west and east China gets completed on time.
With a total length of 2,087 kilometers, the "Baihetan-Jiangsu" ultra-high-voltage (UHV) power transmission project is one of China's "power highways". It transmits electricity from the country's hydro-resource-rich west to the more developed, power-hungry east.
【 show “Power highways” contributes to Chinas carbon emission】By the time of its operation in 2022, the project will be capable of transmitting 31.2 billion kWh per year, which will reduce 14 million tonnes of coal for power generation in east China.
Aerial photo taken on Nov. 11, 2021 shows the power transmission construction workers work on an electric tower at a construction site in Wuhu City, east China's Anhui Province. (Photo by Zheng Xianlie/Xinhua)
The power transmission construction workers prepare to climb up the electric tower at a construction site in Wuhu City, east China's Anhui Province, Nov. 11, 2021. (Xinhua/Du Yu)
Aerial photo taken on Nov. 11, 2021 shows the power transmission construction workers climb and walk on an electric tower at a construction site in Wuhu City, east China's Anhui Province. (Photo by Zheng Xianlie/Xinhua)
Produced by Xinhua Global Service
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