The儿童心理健康与行为障碍分析( 二 )
The characteristics of children with mood and behavior disorder are divided into children with extroverted emotion and behavior disorder and children with introverted mood and behavior disorder. The obvious manifestations of introverted emotions and behavioral disorders in children are social withdrawal, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and deep depression. Tom's behavior is a typical introverted mood and behavior disorder.
After finding the cause, Tom's family took part in psychological guidance and treatment. First of all, Tom's parents improved their communication style. On the one hand, they agreed not to quarrel at home or during the cold war. The two sides have a conflict no longer in front of the child quarrel, but choose to solve and strive to improve the family atmosphere. On the other hand, gradually increase the children's outdoor sports, let the children in sports transfer or even vent some destructive emotions. At the same time, increase the whole family participation in the collective activities to enhance the feelings of the family, thereby increasing the child's inner sense of security and family belonging. After three years of continuous and active psychotherapy, the child's condition improved significantly, and his body was much more potent. Therefore, a relaxed and pleasant family environment, parents and children's interaction process, parents' beliefs, emotions, behaviors, etc., will affect the child's mental health level and then affect the child's behavior disorder treatment and life-long character development. In the process of parents and children growing up together, only the real sense of companionship, in order to make children into the normal state of social interaction, thereby promoting the development of children's mental health.
【The儿童心理健康与行为障碍分析】From the above cases, it can be seen that the family environment, family education, and children's mental health have a great relationship. As a place where a child's initial emotional experience is made, the family atmosphere will influence and accompany the children's life.
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