and|Hong Kong people looking forward to dialogue with astronauts on space station
Hong Kong people are eagerly looking forward to a real-time dialogue with three mainland astronauts on China's space station in early September.
The three astronauts, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, on board of the Shenzhou-12 spaceship were sent into space and entered the space station core module Tianhe on June 17 and have since carried out a number of tasks as planned.
In recent days, the dialogue with the astronauts has become a hot topic in Hong Kong. Many people are curious about the daily life of the three astronauts and are concerned about their physical and mental conditions.
It is reported that during a conversation scheduled on Sept. 3, the astronauts will give a virtual tour of the core module and answer questions collected in advance.
Since August 23, people who are interested in taking part can submit their questions on the Hong Kong STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) Education Alliance's website, with some asking very professional questions.
【and|Hong Kong people looking forward to dialogue with astronauts on space station】Source: Xinhua
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