work|Leave COVID-19 origin-tracing work to scientists( 二 )

In his study of the 1892 typhus epidemic in New York City, historian Howard Marker notes that in an effort to stigmatize Eastern European immigrants, some American politicians disregarded scientific logic and public health was all but ignored. Furthermore, similar links have been made between trachoma and Jews, cholera and the Irish, and more recently, AIDS and Haitians.
Of course, politics often wraps itself around science to serve its purpose, but ideology and political self-interest can never be a reason to hide the truth. Currently, many scholars have expressed deep concern about the high level of politicization of scientific issues related to the novel coronavirus (including wearing masks, social distance, and vaccines) in the US. During the 2020 US election, Biden harshly criticized the Trump administration's politicized manipulation of the pandemic in a speech when he said, “It affects us all and can take anyone’s life. It's a virus, not a political weapon!” Yet after taking office, the Biden administration continues to recklessly use viral politicization tactics to stigmatize other countries and deflect domestic and international attention from its lack of pandemic prevention and control.
We would like to advise the US government that the novel coronavirus is still mutating, and that human understanding of the more dangerous “Delta” variant of the novel coronavirus is still in its infancy, and that only by leaving the origin-tracing work of virus to science can the world work together to fight the pandemic, the public enemy of humanity.
Contributed by Su Jingjing, The School of Health Humanities of Peking University
Translated by Wang Ruoxin
Editor: Zhang Zhou

