of|Root Carving Art Museum in E China's Zhejiang letting more people get to know the craft
Photo taken on Aug. 20, 2021 shwos an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of root carving working on a new piece named the "Silk Road" at the Xianjing Root Carving Art Museum in Xianju County, Taizhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province. The Xianjing Root Carving Art Museum opens to the public for free, in aim of letting more people get to know the traditional craft of root carving and inherit the intangible cultural heritage. (Wang Huabin/Guangming Picture)
【of|Root Carving Art Museum in E China's Zhejiang letting more people get to know the craft】Photo taken on Aug. 20, 2021 shwos an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of root carving working on a new piece named the "Silk Road" at the Xianjing Root Carving Art Museum in Xianju County, Taizhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province. The Xianjing Root Carving Art Museum opens to the public for free, in aim of letting more people get to know the traditional craft of root carving and inherit the intangible cultural heritage. (Wang Huabin/Guangming Picture)
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