and|Extreme weather event review: how the rainfall in Henan compares( 二 )
? Light rain - when the precipitation rate is < 2.5 mm per hour ?
? Moderate rain - when the precipitation rate is between 2.5 mm - 7.6 mm per hour ?
? Heavy rain - when the precipitation rate is > 7.6 mm per hour ?
? Violent rain - when the precipitation rate is > 50 mm per hour
During the rain event in Henan, 10 weather stations in Zhengzhou City, 5 in Xinxiang City and 1 in Hebi City recorded a maximum one-hour rainfall of more than 100 mm. Among them, the weather station of Zhengzhou ranked first with a staggering 201.9 mm of rainfall from 16:00 to 17:00, July 20, which was about three times higher than the violent rain intensity. It also broke the Chinese mainland’s record one of hourly precipitation - hourly rainfall of 198.5 mm per hour in Linzhuang, Henan on August 5, 1975, as shown in Figure 3.
Large accumulation
Figure 4 (Source: National Meteorological Center of CMA)
Figure 4 shows that from July 17 to 22, rainfall in central and northern Henan totaled 200 ~ 400 mm. In the cities of Zhengzhou, Xuchang, Pingdingshan, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Hebi and Anyang, accumulated rainfall in some areas (30% ~ 60% of area) reached 500 ~ 700 mm. In cities of Xinxiang, Zhengzhou and Hebi, accumulated rainfall in parts of areas ( < 30% of area) reached 800 ~ 965.5 mm, 800 ~ 993.1mm and 800 ~ 1122.6mm respectively. The maximum accumulated rainfall, 1122.6mm, occurred in the Qibin District in Hebi City.
According to data from CMA, the averaged rainfall in Henan Province reached 222.9 mm, and the averaged rainfall in Zhengzhou City reached 532.3 mm. Meanwhile, the accumulated rainfall at 10 national weather stations exceeded the annual averaged rainfall in the area. As shown in Figure 4, rainfall recorded in the weather station of Zhengzhzou totaled 820.5 mm within 5 days, which is more than 127% of its annual average of 641 mm.
Long duration
The heavy rains lasted six consecutive days from July 17 to 22. The most intensified rainfall occurred between July 19 to 21. Central and northern Henan was hit by very torrential rains for 4 consecutive days, while the cities of Zhengzhou and Xinxiang saw extreme torrential rains two days in a row.
Vertical comparison
【and|Extreme weather event review: how the rainfall in Henan compares】
Figure 5 (Source: World Meteorological Organization, National Meteorological Center of CMA, Xinhua, Reuters, NASA Earth Observatory, TIME )
Since 1994, the World Meteorological Organization has been publishing the WMO Statement on the Status of the Global Climate on an annual basis, which records major weather and climate events around the world. A few extreme rainfall events occurred in this century are listed for reference and comparison with the rainfall in Henan.
Editor: GSY
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