be|Origin studies should be conducted by scientists, not politicians or intelligence officials

be|Origin studies should be conducted by scientists, not politicians or intelligence officials

(Screenshot from the DhakaTribune)
Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming has claimed that several global initiatives to trace the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are politically motivated, said by the DhakaTribune news site.
“China believes that tracing the origin of the virus is very important and it could give us clues to predict and prevent future pandemics. Covid-19 origin-tracing is a serious scientific issue that should not be manipulated by politics,” he said.
【be|Origin studies should be conducted by scientists, not politicians or intelligence officials】“Origin tracing can only be done by scientists, not by politicians or intelligence personnel of any country,” Li Jiming added.
“China does not oppose origin studies based on science. What we oppose are origin studies based on politics and using politicized origin tracing as a tool to exhaust China’s diplomatic resources,” he further said.
[责任编辑: WPY ]

