crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.

crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.

Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.
(Photo by Wu Yongbing)

crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.

Civilian police operate drones for crowd monitoring.
(Photo by Wu Yongbing)

crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.

Drones to farmers' markets and other inspections.
(Photo by Wu Yongbing)

crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.

Drones patrol urban roads and so on.
(Photo by Wu Yongbing)

crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.

The police issued a warning to the crowd through a loudspeaker.
(Photo by Wu Yongbing)
A police officer controls a drone for crowd monitoring and mobile publicity in Wulingyuan district of Zhangjiajie, Central China's Hunan Province, Aug. 12, 2019.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Wulingyuan District has used drones to inspect and monitor key areas such as residential areas, farmers' markets and urban roads, as well as mobile propaganda through equipped propaganda systems to remind residents to consciously abide by the prevention and control measures during the epidemic period and to guide or stop abnormal behaviors at any time.
【crowd|Drones help control the outbreak in Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie.】[责任编辑: WPY ]

