that|Kadensa Capital Limited: Intel singles out TSMC Samsung( 三 )

As of 20 o'clock on July 27th, Beijing time, Intel's market value is 203.336 billion U.S. dollars, old rival Nvidia has a market value of 480.806 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to 2.2 Intel, and TSMC's market value is 599.77 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately equal to 3 Intel.
【that|Kadensa Capital Limited: Intel singles out TSMC Samsung】"On the whole, Intel is definitely still the leader of PC servers. In terms of integrated consideration of chips and CPU performance, Intel is the first, but it may be in some subdivisions, such as simple chip manufacturing processes, such as TSMC and Samsung. The degree will have advantages, and foundry is not what Intel is good at," Bu Rixin said frankly.
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