买房如何选楼层?看完你就知道了!!( 六 )

墓地最好不要靠在上面,最好有100多公里的距离 。如果房子周围很热闹,也不会太邪恶:如果房子离墓地太近,周围空无一人,最好不要住 。
屋子太暗,容易招来邪气;白天开着窗户的屋子还是阴暗的,是阴多阳少的地方,老百姓最好少住 。
心中充满了恶念;乱世无主的人,就算是在寺庙里,也会招来鬼神,更何况住在来历不明的房子里?一般来说,出租房屋的人对自己的欲望不满,迷茫 。、失恋、情绪低落最容易打鬼;所以,保持一颗清净的心,才是避邪护身之道!
所谓孤屋,就是你身边只有一所房子;或者在一栋楼里,只有你们一家人;对人不好,因为人少 。
深山恶水附近最好不要租房,因为这些地方容易聚集意外死亡的孤鬼;就地势而言,鬼也比人气更受欢迎,除非一家人住在一起,或者一个人独居,很容易招来邪气 。
这种情况下的房子在风水学中被称为“暗室” 。可以看出,它与用于拍照的“暗室”有着几乎相同的含义,但后者更暗 。原本,“暗房”在写字楼里相当普遍 。, 但写字楼属于办公空间 。对于写字楼来说,采光是第一位的,最好有天窗 。如果没有天窗,可以用光来弥补,但是房子不好 。公寓楼里还有一个“暗室” 。主要原因自然是设计不当 。这是其中之一 。In ,are also one of the . For ,next to a highis a fault inthe land, so it is still .and.
Why can't rent a house with dim light? It seems to be a well-known truth. Due to the lack oflight, the air is full offor a long time, andgerms grow .
二、 is bad
There are twoworthto here: The first 一、 is not to use the bed left by the last . If the lastdied ofand you sleep in the same bed, thefield will still exist. The first 二、 is not to use the airleft by .when the airison, all theof thecome out from the air , so you arethe coldand all theleft over from theevery day.
a -hand house ora house, it isto know the "past life" of the house, at least youknow theof the last twoof . Feng Shui can be said to be the art of life. It often paysto manyof life. , it alsotheoflife in away. In 's, there are manyyou Maybe you can't see it, but you can't deny its , andyou can even feel it, such as smell,field.
As thegoes, wine is theof Chen, which is true, but it may not make sense when it comes to . Of ,of the broom and self-, it may be said that the old house of my own, from theof feng shui, it is true In this way,you and yourhavelived in the house, thefield is, but thehouse is very . You can't even count how manyhave lived hereand after. In fact, more or less, there are One thing is for sure - thefield in the house is bound to beand. To be , this is a taboo in Feng Shui.the morewho have lived there, the morearein the air. On the , it can also bethat the newer thehouse, the .
If the house you areis in goodin all , the onlyis that it is too old, then,themove in, you can do afor the whole house, such asato clean the airand otheritems, doors and , ,ware, etc. If you are notof , you might as wellthewalls. If, you can even clean up the oldin the room and thenit. Even if it is just, it is veryin terms of feng shui.
四、Lack of
There are three kinds of "Qi" in Feng Shui: one is "", which is thethe earth,theof thefield on the earth; the other is "earth Qi", whichcomes from soil,and water; The third is "", which isa kind of. As theof , "" is . For , Feng Shui"fewerin the house"theof the house is too low, and theof the lowof the house is often made up bytheof the 's body, soin a house that lacks "", there will often be a A.

