当然他们有很强的文化和民族主义精神,但还是那样,如果我们能炸了他们的稻田那他们就会挨饿,而且我们可以在短兵相接的战斗中不费吹灰之力就能取胜,中国空手道根本不是美国拳击的对手,干净漂亮的一拳就能把中国人打飞 。我想我们还是用机枪,因为中国人实在太多了 。我们只需要几部用氢燃料的高速吉普和机枪,机枪用木制子弹,那样我们就可以只打伤他们,然后让受伤的敌人加入我方,来弥补我方和敌方的人数差距 。而且亚洲女孩喜欢白人小伙子,所以我们能够争取到中国人口的一半,然后通过她们制造更多我们的军队 。
now you just switched to stupidity because you ran out of arguments… none of that would work. We wouldn’t starve out civilians anyway… we are to nice
现在你已经转换到愚蠢战术了,因为你已经没有任何论点了 。那说的那些没有一个管用,而且我们也不会让老百姓挨饿 。。我们太善良了
If you are joking then this post was rather funny.If not, then I pity your life.
如果你的这个帖子是开玩笑,那挺滑稽的,如果不是,那我真可怜你这条生命 。
Even a small amount of their standing army would f*ck us up as we are now.
就算是他们一小部分的常备军也能让我们现在的军队完蛋 。
China is so packed with people and if you just bombed one block 7000 people would be dead. JapanUSAChina
中国人居住的太拥挤了,炸一个街区就能炸死7000人 。日本》美国》中国
I hope you don’t mean militiristically… japan can’t even have an army for of fense and china has more land for its people than the us does… you don’t know what you are talking about 。
我希望你不是说日本军国主义 。。日本甚至连用于进攻的军队都没有 。而且中国有比美国更多的能让人居住的土地,你根本不知道你说什么呢 。
What is Japan gonna do, send their Tamagotchi’s after China? Japan doesnt have technology for military application.
日本能做什么?送电子鸡去中国?日本根本没有用于军事的技术 。
so? wuts ur point? there is nothing to do with Japan, and Japan is just an island country, China doesn’t even bother to beat it, coz it will be destroyed by thousand times of earthquake
啊?你的意思是?这和日本一点关系都没有,日本只是个岛国,中国根本不屑于去打它,因为几千次地震就能摧毁它了 。
Idiot, then the f*cking rest of their eligible population would damage us. All they would need is one shore break, thats it. Then they can just f*cking destroy us.Remember Veitnam?Remember why we lost?China, thats why
XX的让我们都完蛋了 。记得越南吗?记得我们为什么输了吗?是中国,这就是原因 。
If i was pres.i would drop our entire stockpile of nukes on every major city/military base t
hey have if they were to declare war.the side effects “radiation” would give the rest cancer, thus leaving them utterly f*cked.it would be the only way to win, and people would want to assasinate you though
如果我是总统,如果他们宣战,那我就会把我们库存的所有核武器都倒在他们所有的大城市,军事基地上,负面影响是,辐射会使他们省下的人都得癌症,那他们的民族就彻底全他XX的完了,这是唯一能够取胜的方法,但过后人们会刺杀你 。
in the end, if we do almost lose, well nuke them, thats what i think.
如果到了最后,我们快输了的时候,我们将会用核武器炸他们,我是这么认为的 。
yeah.. The chances are that china would win if the Usa didn’t usa nukes., but if china attacked any country they’d win, soo… Stupid Comies!!
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