(7)不要有“豆”和“米”的素根,因为蛇是肉食性动物,喜欢吃青蛙等肉食,所以不宜有根“豆”,如犯,表示此人不服输,脾气大,有失落感,看到食物,并不是因为喜欢吃的食物. 其性状为:豆、丰禾、修兵克、秦城、道吉、木穗 。五谷米粉、细黍、麦糟 。
(1)建议用“草”字,因为马是素食动物,有草会肥壮,食物丰富,the inner world will be full. Zhi Lu Qin Fen Rui Hua Fang ZhiRan Ling Ruo Yi Ping MaoJuin Tea Ru LotusQuan Li Mo ShaShu Xuan Ye Dong Wei Wei Zhen Qian Lian Cai Jiang Hui Su Yun Wei . .
(2)I like to use thewith, such as "糸", "towel", "xiang", "", only goodcan bein. For : Ji Yue Pure-grade plain ,weft, green , gang-, , tee, miao, t-shirt, t-shirt, , fur-, tong-, , , , Zhang, Xifan, .
(3)Hi has the root of "eye", which means thathave big eyes, areand ,those of thesex. For : eyes ,,to,Murui.
(4)I like to use the zig-zag , whichthe " and Horse ", which means , vigor, , drive, and . For : , chen, , .
(5)I like the roots of , such as "He", "Wheat", "Uncle", "Ji", "Dou", "Milk", "Liang".intograss In , wholeare also theirfood. For : He Xiu Bing Qiu Ke Mo Qin grain crops are rich in beans.
(6)I like to have the root of the word "wood",can come and goin the , and trees can also shade the sun. For :QiRong Lin Bing Lin Rou Jie Dong Sen YangLin Lin Zhen Birch.
(7)I like to use the"宀", which means that there are eaves and caves tofrom the wind and rain. For : Shou'an Song Zong Yi Ding Yu'sChenKuan .
(8)Ma Xi hasroot, such as "Yin", "Xu", androot such as "si", "wei". For :.
The name of thehorse is notfor the name of the
(1)It is notto have the word "tian" at the root, which means thatareand used forin the lower . For : FuyutownShanand .
(2)It is notto have the root of "rice",can't getto eat rice. Rice grain is notforto eat, there is noofor . For : rice flour.
(3)It is notto have the root of the word "",the horse runs on theroad, it is quite hard. For : theis close to the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the peak is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill is the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill, the hill,).
(4)It is notto see two words in the threeof the name,the twoform a "" , which is easy to's . KapinQi Xixu Jia Xiqi. If thehas a "mouth", it is notto use the root with the shape of "mouth" as far as .
(5)The horse isof , so it is notto see the words "Qi" and "Qi". For : Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi.
(6)It is notto have the root of two , such as "彳", or "彳" plus "彳",a good horse does nottwo , and if itit, it is a horseknots , , , , and. For : he, zheng, going, , , very, law, Xu, de, , , xun.
(7)It is notto see the root of "xin", "ten" and "month",itmeat food, and horse is a. Heng TianQia En, , , Hui Wei, wants to feel , , Mu Hui, and cares.
(8)It is notto have the root of "Zi", "氵", "Ren", "冫", "Gui", "North", it is easy to have water and fire ,are fire, it is notashape with water. For : ShuiRiverWangFenyi steamRiver Pei oil marshJinocean waves Xiao HanGan HuaiTour, , , Jitao, Ling Leng, , Cun , Meng .
(9)It is notto see "bull" and "ugly",sincetimes, when a green ox meets a white horse, it will fleea fight. For : Niu Mu Lao Mu Te
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