铁扫帚有男有女之分,男有:正月生沉子辰,二月生海茂威,四月生阴无虚,六月生思有愁;女:沈子臣十二月生,殷武虚年七月生,海猫卫年八月生,四有愁年九月生 。作此恶者,男扫女家,女扫男家 。
天扫星是:贾凤贵还不是衣人吴,B是辛斯丁更臣,吴怕纪茂加天,纪怕吴寅 。庚人丁丑辛丙子,任风亦海受罚,贵怕贾旭被星辰扫荡,六亲遇害 。即甲年生见贵微,乙年生见仁武,乙年生见辛思,定年生见庚辰,五生见自己 。卯,冀年见吴寅,庚年见丁丑,辛年见丙子,任年见义海,桂年见甲胥等,即犯这个恶,男命是老婆的主宰 。
地扫星如下:金人午未到神乡,地木龙蛇兔在月,水在鸡狗海月,火就像牛、老鼠、老虎和儿子 。克芙的女凶手 。即黄金年出生的人在无为神三月,土木年出生的人在陈思茅三月,水年出生的人在幽虚海三月 。火年生牛、鼠、虎三月 。
阴阳之别是:凡生于丙子、丙午、丁丑、丁微、无阴、无神、新卯、新佑、任臣、任虚、鬼丝、归海之一者,皆因阴阳之别 。阳,女人遇上,公公不和,妃子不够,夫家退 。歌曰:“阴阳不浪漫,花烛不闲 。贫家不因孝而嫁,贫家住两户 。”
第三,念珠纳音五行婚姻法 。
大多数情况下,同居者为佳,相互战胜者为忌讳 。例如:
男人,金,女木——金木和他的妻子整天打架,哭 。原来第二人生害人,婚姻守寡半辈子;
男金女火--不婚就嫁,娶妻就穷 。不生孩子,家财四散,金火夺命;
男木女木--双木夫妻难相处,比别人有钱 。原来两木相克,祸患麻痹折磨;
也就是陆彩《婚书》的方法 。这种方法首先将人的生命按照出生年份分为两类:一、三、四、东九宫和二、六、七、@ >八西四宫,再按出生年月命宫相配 。Among them, there are three kinds of first-class , , angry (one四、two八、three九、sixth andmatch),(one<@>八、two四、three六、 and ninthmatch), Fu (one三、two七、@>four九、sixth andmatch), Both theand wife are , theis , and theis . (One一、Two二、Three三、Four四、Five五、Six六、Seven七、@>- house match),(one九、two六、three四、 andhouse match), bothand, theand wife is ; @二、Three七、@>Forty-eight. Those who match the sixth and nine ), the five(one七、@>two三、four六、theand nine-god ), alland wives hurt each other,each other, andways.the, they willeach other and cause great harm.
Fifth, the fiveand ten godseach other and marry.
Among them, the fiveeach other. Those who caneach other'sare , and those who caneach other'sare taboo. For , if a man’s life is rich in wood, it isfor gold, and a woman who has a lot of metal in the eightis amatch. If you have more soil, it is alsotogold. If gold is more fond of fire, those who havethe man’s life and eightof fire are amatch. Those who have more wood are also good forfire, those who have more water are the next best, and those who have more soil and metal are not , and so on. As for thelaw of the ten gods, if the male life is more than the , it is not good for the , if thelife is eaten more than the , it is a good match. Match it, also good. In 's terms, the so- "hard life" of "kefu" iswith the "hard life" of " the wife". This is"hard match", and it is also athatfor the bad in .
In , there is a more, that is, the so- "with God" to match . In theof Kao , this so- "using God" is, a, andto .
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