八字算命,表八字命宫表看一生命运四度——行乞之命妻宫( 八 )

's :the child'sis , and it may betoif born early. It isto save the poor and help the poor,yin and , and be able totheof the heirs.
- The Life of Well-being
Wives : In terms of , there is a quest for theto seek the , and she has bothand four . For fear that there will be a shock in thelimit, it is best to go out and avoid it. It must be safe for Tai Sui, and it can also be .the fish and water are happy, they will not be able to livein the end.
: Theis still , theis not much, and thelimit isin, so that you can make greatand work to your heart's . Doingforwillin the city. It is nottoin aat this time. At the time ofluck, one gain and one loss,is safe.
Child : It isto haveearly, so it is best to spend thefirst. Afterfor , you can stay for a long time if you get a child. In the , they will be sent to thefor old age, and the two sons will be able to pass on the .pietycan be windy, happy with each other, well-bred, and they willgreatin the .
Theof the- the fate of
Wives : In terms of , it doesn'tif you marryor later. If you go out far away, you may have. It is best to stay at home, or you can find, which is more . Thelimit isin, there aresent to the door, wives areandare , up and down, andandcan be .
luck: Theis ,theis not much.the,are not going , if you canand color, see the wind and make sails, you will not beby. The -agedis ,into the blue sky, theis , and he is bold and brave.
Child's : There is still a lot of , safe to , to help , and acres of land can be set up,Jimu,to pass on Jiqiu, isand son,of theof a good .plant the heart,and , and teachin the , which willa great tool.
The Fourof the- The Life of
Wife : Thematch is very , and thelimit is very . It is best to be one year , which canthe . , if the hit is tough, the two must be , and the inner help is , and there is also awith the . Forty or so, it is best to avoid going out to avoid .
luck:is still ,is also , east and west, north and south, east wind , work well,is . Doingcan gain great , if you can help the poor and help the , andyin, it will not beto show off yourand honor your .
Child : There are many , three or five can be , and fiveare . Theto help theis still , if one can unite and work , thewill. If theis not , it isthat thewill not get along with each other. All will go , it isto make aplan.
The Sixof the- Dagui's Life
Wife : The wife's room needs to be small,can be , if theis too big, not only will there be right and wrong, but also to. When Chinain,and wivesguard, and it is best to avoid going out, or An Tai Sui can seek , thecan live inwith their , and grow old .
:,is still , thelimit isin, andand silk can bein one after . East and West camps, you must beat that time, and wait for thecall.
Child : There is not much heir to bear, it isto give birth toearly, and thewill be spent first, so you can avoid worry.the , the entry is , the son can be kept, the old age is sent to the end, the two sons are , thehas a fate, and the crosscan be . It is best toyintotheof the .
Theof the- The Life of
Wife : Early , I amthat it will beto , wait for March 8 to have a happy , help the , keep the house in an, help thewith, you can, if you can leave your , you willBuis full of . If he does not leave hisland, hebetothe child from beingto bear.
luck:,has no share,is still , there areto help,thelimit, there isbutand going, it is rare tomoney, China'sis , theisevery day, and you canat that time. rural.
's : The son's life is . If you get it early, you may not be able to stay for a long time. It isto adopt it, which canyour life. In the , you can send the old man back to the . The two sons canbear it.and.
Thehouse - the life of
Wife : Early , must guard, ya, etc. 38. Can climb , highcan be , noand no gram,and ,water cola. It is best to go out and live far away, and avoid , , if you hit two wives, you willre-knot Siluo, and you must be.

