1.颈椎病分六分六种类形刮痧兼顾拔罐的辅助疗法!( 五 )

8.失眠、头痛、高血压、头晕 物品描述:通过梳理引导手法调整阴阳、气血、脏腑的关系,根据症状选穴,配合相应辅助9.胃痛,腹胀,便秘,腹泻 项目描述:辨析病因,补泻之术,稳阴阳,理六腑与中下关系强身健体,增强肠胃功能,促进消化吸收,培土中和,配合针对性辅助方法,增强效果 。10.疲劳,四肢末梢循环不畅 项目描述:根据个人情况,运用轻柔手法顺经络操作,刺激相应的补虚穴位,以疏通经络,组织五脏六腑,恢复精、气、神 。11.肥胖项目说明:识别阴阳虚实,采取相应的补泻方法,恢复相应脏腑的生理功能,稳定表里,排出体内多余的脂肪和体内废物,并增强燃脂效果 。12.男科疾病项目描述:补肾益气,滋阴活血,作用于体表相应部位,配合穴位,达到补精强筋的效果,养水涵木 。小儿按摩项目描述:小儿按摩根据特殊穴位刺激体表部位,疏通经络,组织气血,增强脏腑功能 。适当配合辅助手段,促进效果 。主治:小儿厌食,腹泻,便秘,小儿疳积,小儿夜啼,小儿惊风,小儿生长痛,小儿护阳凝固他们的地方那么生活是不够的 。可见阳气对人体的重要性 。阳气衰则阴气盛,阴气盛则寒 。
艾灸助阳固毒,可治疗虚寒泄泻、手脚冰凉、脉细弱等 。配穴:气海、关元、八寮、命门、涌泉等 。滋补灸项目说明心灵减压:在以扶阳固体补充人体能量的同时,以局部腧穴和艾灸为重点,温热人体经络气血,增强大脑供血,提高脑供氧能力 。健脑,达到强脑安神的奇迹 。影响 。配穴:神门、劳宫、孙、焦孙、百会等健脾养胃艾灸方案说明:古人云:“弱胃则弱,强胃则强 。若有有胃则生,无胃则死,诸病皆由脾胃失而生 。”脾胃的保养非常重要 。灸特定穴位,可导气下行,健脾胃 。配穴:中脘、神阙、天枢、脾俞、微俞、足三里等 。肩部调理灸项目说明:是针对颈肩部亚健康症状的特色疗法 。, it canthe, , bones and flesh, andtheof the neck and .: , , , , , , , etc.: Theisat the waist,, and,and . It is "theof yin and yang of theand theof life", and is"theof ".canof,theandthe , delay aging, andand .: , , , , , , Taixi, Fuliu, etc.:localof women, and uses the two-wayoftotheoftheandcold,theand,,theandyin, so as toandsub-such asin women.
: , , , Dahe, Siman, , , , , , etc.: The head is theof all yang, and the brain is the sea of ??.the head and face can clear the ,the bloodof the head and face,the , slow down the aging of the brain, andaging. :back and forth or one-way along theof the head,onthe eye frame and the eye area with ain water, and thenthe head and . 2. to the ,andItem : The foot is : the " heart" of human , which has thearea of ??all the. ,flows from the , is full of heart."footcanblood flow,theof the human heart pump, and make theqiandto the . :the oilon the soles of the feet, and use ato wipe from the heel to the toes, or the. 3.Yin Ping Yang DenseEvil: Based on theof " " in, itthe "Yin and Yang " of the human body,thethefive, qi and blood, andthe human body toyin, yang, , pulse and qi. The moststate of . : 1: Cough, Lung , Large,(below the elbow); 2 :(below the knee), Large(below the elbow), Ren(); 3 Cold- back:Back and waist, Duspine; 4 :in lower ,legs; 5:along the,, Du ,and smallalong the neck and .the , firsttheand parts of the sand ,the skin, apply the oil on thebody , and use the sandboard toin one . Wet and cold.
Used for colds, , sore , stiff necks, , body pains, etc.by wind. : Use thepot to act on the, and leave the pot for 10-15 , and the color will often beout on the body . Item :Yang andcold,the body andevil ,the blood, andyin and yang. For , , cold, cough, fever, ,pain, etc.by cold. : Use the sandoil toandthe part, then pull out the cup, push and pull back and forth on the skin tothe deep cold air in the body to the , and thenitthe bloodfor 5-10 . Item : Warm the ,andcold,qi and blood ,andpain. For limb joint pain,,,, ,, etc. : Soak thepot with thesoup, cover the pot with theor parts, and afterthe pot, use thetotheout spot totheof the skin. : Soak andthesoup with three , put it on the 's hand with, twist thetowel to half dry, apply it to thepart, andfor 10-15 . Itemof , wide chest and upper: With the help of theof the upperto light Xuan, acrid and , the heatis used as thetotheof thein the upperheart, chest and lung, so as tothe,, and. , Theofthe chest andthe qi. : 20 grams of , 15 grams of , 18 grams of , 15 grams of , 15 grams of, 18 Baiandtheand, the rise and fall of theandareto each other, and it is the pivot of the rise and fall of the qi . Theofandistotheofthe clear andtheandtheand .

