【每日一题】《占星进阶词典》行星与行星之间的关系( 七 )

我在家里很忙,不能闲着 。家庭生活并不那么平静和忙碌 。
我在家吃不饱,进进出出很忙 。
很容易产生情绪冲突,容易被冒犯和愤怒,但内心基本善良,但脾气不好 。
必须整合自决和想要安全的力量 。
对战斗和保卫家庭的即时反应 。
感情很容易被激起,缺乏安全感,并且有危机的味道 。
但是月火相位也带来了一定的无畏 。
月火 90°
渴望实现自己的目标,卡特发现有这方面的人往往残忍和挑剔 。
脾气不好,动不动就转身 。
Women will havebirth (Mars means , ), or thewill haveoralabor.
90° of Pluto can also lead to ,or .
Lack offor women, lack of , lack ofof , own, and.
( has this )
of . For men, it is not good for . The wife has a, is too , and is prone to .
For women,tend to beand weak, while they areand .
It is easy to have , ,with, and has the habit of .
luck andofand .
Brave, bold,and .
Have ain , deep ,truth from facts,and happy, and know how to enjoy life.
Mars willthe Moon, and theof the Moon-fireis hot-,of her , and,herto have the same .
The 'sis more , and she may have an.
The tenseof the moon fire, poor, easy to causedue to , such asulcer.
are too prone to, a trait that comes fromwho are tooof their .
Moon-wood( and )
Moon and Wood :
Happy, happy, , ,, loves to , loves .
Easy toit, show , and taketoo .
, ,, , , but stillsome level of good luck, alife.
There will be ato be lazy and letgo.
food, diet,, :
The state of ,the diet is, will cause aon the liver.
Qinuo, notable to , butkind-,to take care ofand theto.
To play the role of God, the role of a super mom,,to help a lot of .
Have aand need forand .
the moon has theofto be ,forto live on, it has ato be .
Thisof the moon also means that thehasthe role ofshe isto be a .
Thehas not been able to meet theneeds of the child, and thewith thewill be a bittheneeds to be .
I am veryto have the help ofmy life,.
Has a truly nobleand.
kind, , ,for small , and.
Good for , , drama, , inner .
found that somealso have a 120°to the Moon and the Wood.
Moon-earth( and )
The Moon and Earth :
of .
Theof the Moon areby .
, , , self-, , and in poor .
Lack of , , stoic, still,to.
Moon Earth 90°
It istothe inner.
Shows a cold, ,, hasalong withand , and has an.
, paysto ,the big , lazy, doesn't know theof life, , , , shy,to .
, , , andinand old age.
Thewas , oraway early and in poor .
, likes to be in ,is veryin age and , or, orfor.
Men are lesswith women and the.
Moon Earth 180°
was hard, andwerewith .
Like being alone, learn to be alone, take care of .
(Yan Hong)
Moon Earth 120°60°
Able toand , withand, , and anof.
But stillby .
goodis good forand old age.
Good atandfor .
for realand.
Themay still dieor.
of the moon and the sky ( and )
The Moon and the Sky :
It isto the study ofand .
into human , theto meet aof , with.
Male; ,women, and women have an(Dinghas this ).
tense,,and , with,that hisare , and does notwell with .
, often have theto getwithand.
The moon is 90°
Theis , theand theofoften , and thehasand is not so .
Theis tense and mood , but 90° is moreto showthan 180°, and thedrive onis very .
,and prone todue to.
If thelevel is high, it is easy to havein theworld, but it is also easy to.
The moon is 180°
Meetand, rebel for the sake of , long for thein life, and if theofis high, will bein .

