梦见宰杀乌龟 Note系列手机绘画体验之是不是有点( 八 )

有时我想进入这样一个冒险的话题(包括上一个关于田鼠的话题) , 孩子多大可以理解?至少现在的房东女儿肯定不行(一岁多的时候她连所有的东西都看不懂) , 说不定五六岁就可以了 。记得楼主自己上小学的时候 , 他爸妈买了一套《意大利童话》 。里面有很多故事 , 我至今还记得 。可见 , 好的童话确实可以很吸引人 。在这一点上 , 我感受到了前面的章节 。还是有点明显 , 但都纠结了 。接下来 , 黑色幽默又回来了:
梦见宰杀乌龟 Note系列手机绘画体验之是不是有点
自从上一场比赛输给乌龟后 , 兔子一直不服气 。他心想 , 要不是我一不小心 , 半路睡着了 , 我才不会输给乌龟呢!就算我趴在地上翻个身 , 他也追不上我 , 这种语气我也咽不下任何东西 。于是 , 兔子又去找乌龟 , 希望能再比一比 。没想到 , 乌龟同意了 。
于是一个晴朗的早晨 , 兔子和乌龟深入森林 , 开始了他们的第二场比赛 。他们请了双胞胎猴兄弟做裁判 , 一个站在起跑线上发号施令 , 一个站在终点线看谁先完成 。
站在起跑线上 , 兔子偷偷看了一眼身边的乌龟 。乌龟一脸平静 , 仿佛这不是一场比赛 , 只是在树林里散步 。兔子心想 , 等着瞧吧 , 这一次我一定要说服你失败 。
“准备——开始!”随着猴哥一声令下 , 比赛开始了 。兔子张开双腿 , 朝着终点线跑去 , 仿佛一头大灰狼在他的臀部后面追着他 。一边跑一边不停地回头看 , 起跑线上乌龟的身影越来越小 , 越来越远 , 很快就看不见了 。But thedidn't dare to relax at all, he still kept , the treeon both sides, and thewindin his ears.
I don't know how long it took to run, and thefelt atired. Hedown and .
Why so far? Hein thethat he ran from , and thenagain. Theon both sides wasthe same, and the big treesfrom the front to the .
Thedoesn't know where it is now.to . Hethat themust still be far, far away,here step by step. Thefelt that hesit on the side of the road and wait for the . It was soto run to theline by . , I ranthan him, even if I saw himafter him, it didn't . Or, can he lie on the side of the road andto sleep, so that thethat he will turn fromtolike last time?
of this idea made. Hethe 'swhen he saw him lying on the, and thewhen heup andthe end as hepast him, theon the guy's face Theare bound to be fun.
So theto lie on the grassthe road,in thewhere thewas about to . Thehas not come yet, of , it will be a while. He still hadtime tohow toto be , so hehis eyes,only a gap, andthe way he came. This is also very good. By the way, you can rest for a while. I amtired fromtoday. Is itI have eaten too much andtoothese days to gain ? No, if it goes on like this,or later, it will be asas a . Be sure tomore every day fromto keep in shape...
, the gap in front of me grewand , and.
At this time, thein the . No, is thata ?got up, shook his head,his eyes wide, and saw a greenhim like a fly. Heat theand , eventhat he was going to lie on theandto sleep.
That's right, that's a , just a fast- . Hehis head, limbs and tail into the shell,it and let his round body roll on thelike a wheel.thecould react, it hadpast him like a gust of wind.
天哪!was . Can arun like this? It wasn't until the 'swasin front of him that hehis ,up andafter him . Hehisto , even if there were a group ofhim, it wasfor him to run away like this. But nohow much he , thekeptandaway,and ,a tiny green dot and then out of sight.

