有关风水堂:八字如何确定婚缘优劣?( 六 )

(8)两人的性格在一定程度上繁荣,会有在一起的理想 。两人结婚后会和谐幸福 。尹王等,两个人在一定程度上很容易有相同的个人目标和理想 。爱好相同 。两个人在日常生活中生活在一起,更加和谐幸福 。
(9)两个人八个字的组合,很容易让两个人过上和谐幸福的婚姻生活 。比如一个人出生在宜丑年,八月, the day of , and the time of , then and this birth The year, month, day, and the fiveof theStems andthat match each other are the year of , the month of Jisi, the day of , and the time of . It is very easy forto befrom each other, rely on each other, and have aand happylife. It is very easy to beand happy in alife with aand a weak .and wife areand can't argue with each other. There is no doubt that twoThere are manyand . If one party isand the other is weak, that is, one is firm, the other is soft, one is , and the other is . , can be happy and happy inlife.
(10)The other half who loves themore, there arethree ways to make up the life : “Sit on aday and sit on the right side of ”, “Theis far away from the day, and theisto the day”, “ In the life , the rightis weak and theis .” etc. The Lord of the Sunyour other half, theyou, and thethe . The heart of thehasof "Love the main room more and love theless";is far away andis close,that on the one hand you have poorwith yourother, and on the other hand you Half of the daily life or workis moreto touch women and cause athe sexes; the fate is weak and theis more ,that thetakes thetoand isloved by your other half.
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