日语韩语或都发源于中国东北 宇宙的尽头是铁岭( 二 )

这份研究的主要作者马丁·罗贝兹(Martine Robbeets)坦言:“接受自己的语言、文化和祖先来自现有的国家边界之外,是一种身份的屈服,这让一些人还没准备好 。 ”
Accepting that the roots of one's language, culture or people lie beyond the present national boundaries is a kind of surrender of identity, which some people are not yet prepared to make," said comparative linguist Martine Robbeets, leader of the Archaeolinguistic Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany and lead author of the study published in the journal Nature.

