FloorEachof the fivedoes not exist , buton andeach other. This is theof theandof the five . The order ofis: fireearth, earthmetal, metalwater, waterwood, and woodfire.
The order ofis that firemetal, metalwood, woodearth, earthwater, and waterfire. Whena floor, youpayto: the fiveof theare the fiveof the , and those that have theofandare .
On the , if there is, it will beas bad luck. If theofin theis the life of the five , it will help the life of the , and it will be .
About the Lord's life and make an.而五行的主要生命是五行的个数,中间理论 。
Try to give anas :whosesignto the pig and the fiveto water, who lives on the first or sixth floor, the water can help their life and good luck; if they live on theor ninth floor, If you live on the fifth or tenth floor, the earth willthe water, and you will be evil; if you live on the third orfloor, you will drain the water, and you will be evil; if you live on thefloor Or on thefloor, the fire isby its main life water, which is .
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