wendy英文名含义女生wenddie wendy英文名含义女生( 五 )

‘how far 多远(距离)
How far is it from here?
‘how soon 多久
I am leaving for Shanghai on business.
How soon will you come back?

1) adv. 好(修饰动词)
He cooks well.
He dose well in English.
3) adj. 身体好
How are you, today?
I am well. Thank you, and you?
‘see 表示结果
‘look 强调动作过程
Look at the blackboard.
‘watch 看 , 注视(所看画面是移动的)

Nice to meet you.
Nice to see you.

This is our classroom.
Whose classroom is this?
Whose is this classroom?
形容词性物主代词是修饰名词的 , 所以后面必须加名词 。
This suit is my. (错语)
This suit is mine. (正确)
名词性物主代词必须单独使用 , 后面不再接名词 。 名词所有格是在词尾加’s 。 这种形式即具有形容词性 , 也具有名词性 。

Whose shirt is this?
This is Wendy’s(作形容词性物主代词来用) skirt.=This is her skirt.

Whose is this skirt?
This skirt is Wend’s. =This skirt is hers.

Your car is red; mine is blue.
‘mine =my car
I have my way, and she has hers.
我有我的处事方式 , 她有她的 。
‘whose 引导的特殊疑问句即可用形容词性物主代词回答 , 也可用名词性物主代词回答 。
Whose house is this?
This is our house. = This house is ours.

‘perhaps=maybe 可能
Perhaps it will rain.
Perhaps it is his car.

‘catch v.
1) 接住
2) 逮住 , 捕获
‘catch a thief
3) 染上(疾病
‘catch a cold

‘parents: father and mother
His parents is in Germany.
(his parent 复数 , 故系动词用are)

What make
What make is your watch?
‘come v. 来
‘go v. 去
Come on; let’s go swimming.
来吧 , 我们去游泳 。
Come on; stop day-dreaming.
得了 , 拜托 , 别再做白日梦了 。
Come on; you’ll be fine.
没关系 , 你会没事的 。

‘upstairs adv. 楼上
‘downstairs adv. 楼下
‘here there home abroad
地点副词前不可以加介词 。
‘come here 不可以说成 come to here.
‘smart adj.
1) 漂亮的; 时髦的
Lucy’s blouse is smart.
Her hat is very smart
2) 聪明的; 机灵的
She is a smart student.
He is a smart businesman.

‘clever 聪 明的(指理解力); 狡猾的
‘bright (多指小孩)
Your little son is so bright.
‘wise 理性的; 精明的(形容年纪较长者)

‘lovely 可爱的
Whose is this lovely hat?
Whose lovely hat is this?
It’s Ann’s (hat)
‘cute 小孩可爱
The baby is cute.

祁使句:谓语动词一般用原形 , 表示请求建议命令等 。
Follow me
Shut the door, please
Be careful
Go and buy a new hat.
Wait and see

‘same 常与the 连用
表示同一的 , 相同的
‘the same age
The same city
We live in the same city.

‘friend n. 朋友
Are they your friends?
‘friendly adj.友好的
‘be friendly to sb 对….友好
She is friendly to me.(to 介词后面要接宾语)

2)在以“s”“x”“sh”“ch”结尾的单数名词变复数时 , 需在单词后面加“es”
‘bus buses dress dresses
3) 以元音字母加“y”结尾的单数名词变复数 , 我们在词尾加s

