茅山派的法术以治鬼除魔,大多是攻击法术,以及一些符籙咒法( 六 )

本书收集各类符箓740余件,包括辟妖、避鬼、安魂、护身、安宅、防疫、防土、不浪费、农耕、利蚕等符箓 。符篆的方法一般是写符的怪地方,或者是门放在床上,或者是穿服吞服 。
There are -fivein the book, each of whichaof shortor , theof which areaboutin ,gods and,forms and, andup and . The whole book is aof, withofand .
(十)"of HumanSutra Dafa"
It is aofandandthat have beendown. It alsootherandit into aof. It isof a largeofand.
The book says that thisDafa is theof the Three Caves, the sect of all , and itthree : , , and . ,with the qi; theis inwith the , and thewith the call of the ; theits chiefand cao, and has their owntotheir , and they must call them with falseand send them. go". , the root of thiscomes from the qi of,the qi of theof the Yuan . This qi is alsoby human , and it is theofof. , theqi isthe Dao , and the mind of theand the gods is one. , and use the bookandto pass the mail.
(10一)" of Fahai"
This book is aofand Zheng- of theof the Song and Yuan . A total of more than forty kinds ofandwere .ofsuch as,, Xihe , etc.
The,,,andtexts, etc., is used to calland, pray for , call wind and rain, makeand , drive snow and , stop rain and pray for,demon stars,,dead souls,and,and, etc., are allin .
(10二)Theof Peace
Early. Into the law of the , theof yin and yang and the five , the way of , theof good and evil,and , etc., there are also a largeof,,and so on. Hethatcould make " come , no one , and allwill be cured by ", andthatcould make godsandfor : "There arewords in the sky, andareto speak, and they are used to make godsto them. Thecome and go.get it, they call it God's . (Zhu also)aout of 100,a ten out of ten.is the text of the gods in the sky to pass the . Itscan make the gods cure ... There is no one who will not be .”
(10三)"Cloud Seven Signs"
books. Sevenof oneand -two ,,,, and soul-mind, etc., arein.45-51, "The",, , , andin the . The "Fu Tu" in79-80eight itemsthe " to the Trueof the Five" and "-Four True Maps".
TheBook ofof the. Allto ,andare , and there areofand . The book isinto -seven .
All of the above texts can be found in .
note. Aofused by the Tanginto cure . There are "for the year", "thefor the day when theis ", "thefor the ghost on the day when theis first ", "thefor the time when the male gets sick", etc., as well as aof ,that aborn in ayearthis, or Thiscan be sick and so on.
(10六)"Qian Jue"
book. It is thename of "Jade Seals" and "". There are manyin the book. "The Book of the Later Han :of ", "Theof theof Wei, theof the Seal" Note: "The Art of War has the "Jade Seal" and the 's "Six Tao ", : 'Thesaid to the King of Wu, the Lord will have a Yin , There is aforover the enemy, and theis one foot long; there is aforthe army andthe enemy, and theis ninelong... All thewhothewill stay there, and if theis heard, those who hear thewill be ."
(10七)" "
by Chu Yong in the Ming , thetheofsuch as "curse water boils", "cursesmoke", and "curseburns".
二、Han folkbooks
A book offorin the Ming . There are blackand white , as well as magic . White, town , and. The black charm isthe owner did not treat thewell, and theused the charm to make the owner andof the house hate it.
(二)Theof All Laws
Aaofand folk . Theis ,theof,up ,of gods, and.
In , there are other folk, such as "Liu Ren Xian Shi Fa Jue", " Towns Tired of the Laws", "", "TheBook of ", etc. Most of thearedue to. It is also said that there is also a book of folk"Turf ".
【茅山派的法术以治鬼除魔,大多是攻击法术,以及一些符籙咒法】Yin Yang Eye:theto seein thefor abased on spell .

