组图 【历史新知网】1.关于春节的小知识( 六 )

WhentheLord, in somethere are stillwho dress up in , sing songs for theLord from house to house, and dance the Dance for theLord," theGod", infor food.
Theofthe stove is veryin the north and south of my . Mr. Lu Xun once wrote the poem "the Stove is a ": onlygum and tooth candy, andarefor . There are no longin the house, how can there be only fewsheep.
7. New Year's
Theis our , mostand most, and it is also ato us .
Theis also known as the New Year. Since theHan , theof thehasto this day.to New Year's Eve and the first day of the first lunar month.
In the folk, thein thesenseto thelunar month on theday of thelunar month or thelunar month on the 23rd or 24th of thelunar month. In theof years of, somefixedandhave been , and many of them are stilldown to this day.
theof the, the Hanand mostin ourhold. Most of thesefocus onto gods and ,to ,the old andnew ones,theand, andfor ayear.内容 。The forms ofare rich and , with.

