圣诞节的歌曲英文版 有关教师节的歌曲,英文( 二 )

wearing red pants and a coat with white fur collar and cuffs, a red hat also with white fur, black leather belt and boots, and carrying a bag full of gifts for children.
穿着红色的裤子 带有白色毛皮领子和袖口的外套 带有白色毛皮的红色帽子 黑色的皮带和靴子 并带有一个袋子里面装的都是为孩子们准备的礼物

圣诞节的歌曲英文版 有关教师节的歌曲,英文


The legend of Santa Claus is known to have its origins in Saint Nicholas(or Saint Nick), who is a figure revered by many Christians,
众所周知 圣诞老人的传说起源于圣尼古拉斯(或圣尼克) 他是一个受许多基督徒尊敬的人物

圣诞节的歌曲英文版 有关教师节的歌曲,英文


and that actually served as inspiration for the creation of the Christmas character Santa Claus because of this reputation for leaving secret gifts.
这实际上是创造"圣诞老人"这个人物的灵感来源 因为人们都知道 圣诞老人会留下秘密的礼物

Santa, Kris Kringle, and Father Christmas are other ways to call Santa Claus.
Santa , Kris Kringle和Father Christmas也可以表示"圣诞老人"

Also, pay attention to how the T in his name(Santa) is often silent.
注意 字母T在Santa这个单词里是不发音的

This is because in American English when there is an NT in the middle of a word we often only pronounce the N.
在美式英语中 当单词中间出现NT时 我们一般只发N的音 T是不发音的


Christmas Day

The annual holiday celebrating Christ's birth is held on December 25th in the USA.
每年12月25日 是美国庆祝耶稣诞生的节日

Many homes have Christmas trees and other decorations in the weeks leading to Christmas Day.
在圣诞节的前几周 许多家庭都会装饰圣诞树和其他装饰品

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Activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, having a special lunch or dinner and going to parties.
活动包括交换礼物 唱圣诞歌 吃特别的午餐或晚餐和参加聚会

圣诞节的歌曲英文版 有关教师节的歌曲,英文


It's a time is especially remembered by children, who are told to receive presents from Santa Claus(normally given by their family).
这是一个孩子们特别记得的时刻 他们被告知要接受圣诞老人的礼物(通常是他们的家人送的)

Did you know that Christmas can also be seen written as "Xmas"?


Because the USA is in the Northern Hemisphere, and most parts of it are cold in December,
因为美国在北半球 大部分地区在12月都很冷

snow and cold weather are very strong symbols of Christmas.

圣诞节的歌曲英文版 有关教师节的歌曲,英文


So much so that many Americans do not feel like it is Christmas if the ground is not white, covered in snow, as we hear in songs like White Christmas.
如果地面不是白色的并且覆盖着雪 很多美国人都不觉得这是圣诞节 就像我们在歌曲《白色圣诞节》中听到的那样

In winter, it is also common to use the expression "Let it snow,"
在冬天 很经常听到一个短语表达"let it snow"

