县三江社区开展“我们的节日.清明”主题活动( 六 )

24、 和骄傲 。二、活动内容 。on theof theand,to the old andthe new,and peace,piety to the old and,theofand ,and , andour , wedo three tasks. 1、 the " ".onand, guide them to learn,,in folk , and have a deepof theof theand. 2、 in.guideto use thetime to read more and read good books,to" " and " ",' ,, andtheof '. 3、 Carry out,andtoin( and town) ,and,love for the , sick, ,and, and,and low
25、Livetoaand. 三、Event . 1、Totoin the themeof "Our " as antotheandof thecore value , as anpart of the "Be a Moral "and,in theof the , anddo a good job in theof the work. 2、 Eachform a textof about 500 words about the "Our " theme , and send it to 9096 of the Basicby22, 20xx.of our12are full of moon,are , happy, andtheDay. In order totheof theand carrythehabit ofa , at 10:00 am on26, 20xx,Workwasby xx. "Happyand Full Moonthe Mid-andtheDay Theme with Joy". The event isinto two parts:and 's flea .
26、Flea .joy. In thepart, theof thefolk teamtheof theand gave them afeast., happy , andlead theto playgames. Every linkto . In the 's flea,led theirtoin it. Somesaid that we do not needto make money, but we need to'sofand , andthatmoney is not easy.the event, thealsomoon cakes forto share thewith theandthe. The eventfor more than two hours.ofin the event andgood . At the end of the event, manycame toabout the next event.
27、 time.of ourThe 13thBoatis . In order to carrytheandof the, and' , , xxthe "OurBoat "in the whole . Theused the flag-to carry out,theof theBoat , anda. The " Boat " themewas held tothestory of Qu Yuan,tothe greatpoet Qu Yuan's , ,, andto betofrom , love the , and study hard. The " Boat"andwas held.of theBoat,theof theofsuch as theof theBoatand folk , and drew a. The "MyBoat " photowastoto learn how to makewith their , so thatcan tasteand enjoywhilethe hard work of theirina house.the habit oflabor.theof the "OurBoat "of , the funmade all thefeel theof theBoatand thecharm of our, and alsothe ' sense ofand pride in the.of our,to theof the, ourhasout the "Our " theme, which areas : First,and carry out the "Our ".andforms,the theme of the Mid-,and guideto study andand redwith the Mid-andandas the main , and give full play to theofin'andnoble moral .影响 。Theis toand carry out " ".with the themeofand ,and guideto makeorwith the Mid-andandas the mainto'ofandandandof theofwillthe sense ofpride andtheofand . The third is toand carry out theof " theflag and be a moral ".do a good job inand, focus onand partytheme, and' love for the party and .theforms such asunder theflag, class , andto, ,, andforms to'.of our15 In order to do a good job intheBoatand carrythe, our ,to theof theof thefor theofin xx City, sang the "Our " themetheBoat . With the theme of "Our
30、Day", ourto localandthe workof the.the , learn about theBoat ,theBoat , and live theBoatwell. Theareas : 一、andto make theand , andthe theme tothe ,Sub-greatto the town to carry out ourBoattheme Theputfour:,the mass ,, andanof.to theof the , theunits of ourhaveour ownBoatthemewith their own , and ourwill make atotheof the . 二、are . First, on June x, the Sub-in the area to carry out the "" . Thisnot onlytheof the , but alsothe, and canaand, which isby the. Theis to focus onfor . The Youthof thewithand,onfor young .andout the theme teamof "andtheto serve the ", andthe deeds andofof thesuch as thepoet Qu Yuan in the form of , essay ,,and, and.andfor . Theuses the , radio,and otherto,theofsuch as theBoat ,theof , andaby means of , ,, etc. This time,with the theme of "MyBoat " havetheof the , andtheandofin.theof theandtheof the . In-depthof the richofhas'sof theBoatfolkand.of Mid-01-15of Club -12of-08ofClubof01-05ofoffor the12-25ofofclubs 12-24ofof '12-10

