的系统运行方式几乎相同 。前期是狗,中期注意查牌 。所以在无脑拿蓝宝石的基础上,加上卡牌检定和前期生物,可以参考蓝宝石萨和蓝宝石盗贼 。
6.2 C'Thund - 战吼图腾 + 召唤权杖 + 魔镜/奇迹之杖
克苏恩系统是最适合战吼图腾的,居然翻了一倍多 。与蓝宝石系相比,克苏安系的杀伤能力有所提高,但在领域和生物交换方面要弱很多 。因为它们都是为战吼而激活的,所以它们实际上可以混为一谈 。在蓝宝石不可用时补充克苏恩和他的手下 。如果有更多的 ,你也可以提前使用。
6.3 Quest De - 召唤节杖 + 塞纳留斯号角/奇迹魔杖/急速之靴
任务是给一个。战吼出现后,套牌中所有随从变为0费用 。请注意,手牌中随从的费用不会改变 。这更符合大哥的想法 。招了几个大佬后,后面是0费 。类似于大哥的战法,可以搭配结晶宝石来提升大哥的外型,也可以搭配生命药水,增加英雄的抗击能力 。因为德国的检查法术比较多,所以也可以考虑加速之靴 。
6.4 快速攻击 - 夺旗 + 水晶宝石 + 大蜡烛/Quel'Delar/填充袋
夺旗基本上是一个平稳的旅程,直到它遇到最后一个守卫,一路平躺 。在boss战中,德鲁伊生物不如猎人,亡语怪物也没有那么多 。一旦它们被清除并再次传播,它们将受到很大的伤害 。一般清除两次后就不会传播 。尤其是在遇到狗头人之王的时候,直接把树人给掰弯了,泪流满面 。当你遇到一个狗头人国王时停止活法力 。好斗的德鲁伊应该关注卡牌检查能力,而不是生物素质 。而且德鲁伊根本不怕被空甲板吸引 。只要需要一个玉符,最后打出玉系就大不了了 。所以最后还是要多补充营养 。如果有一根大蜡烛,不要放手 。如前所述,大蜡烛是抑制疲劳的完美体现 。最后,就是每一轮给大蜡烛加蓝宝石 。
常见套路:恶魔、克苏恩、宇宙、弃牌 。第一个推动恶魔花园的人 。
恶魔花园是动物园的高级版本 。因为术士DK的存在,可以复活所有死去的恶魔 。变身后的英雄技能,三伤和吸血都很厉害,所以后期很不错 。In , the demon has a lot of,cry aoe to clear the field,pull 939 or big ,of 22afterthe flag,it is not as good as the wax oil rage, but it is also very good.afterthe flag are, they can hit the final boss , and DK can get two more, which is very . Manyhave, andthecanthe demon .cries areself-harm andcards, andcries are not . The bang box afterthe flag7 22 . If it iswith , it mayblow up the small boss in one wave.
7.2 — of+Cloak/ of / the Flag + Mimic Mask
Theofis,theoflaw, nor does it wantto. Into the , theof thetocan also haveand are.of theofin the, it is the mostfor. If it istwice, onecan milk 200 blood.andcan beafteraof . Withthe life, it is also very good to match theat the back. Ithe Mimic Mask. If it comes out, you mustit. It is a bigof the .
7.3 C'Thun -Totem + Life /Guard Glyph/ of+ Magic / Ice Wall
to theone, the C'ThunaCry Totem to be . If theCry Totem is, you canthe C'Thun route. Use it with Lifeor Glyph of thetoto 10, or use theofto make C'Thun leave theahead of .
7.4 — the Flag+ Totem/ of /Ring of +Big /Bag of
andbyup. Put the Marza Imp, and then the bigfour cards and opens the . Afterthe flag, you can get two 43 Imps per round, which is quite . , you can beat the boss with a largethat keeps . You can bring theDK, which is also more .the - , thishas the power to fight even if ita .
: ,, , ..
8.1Law— of+of+ Mimic Mask/Bag of /Holy Grail
The Mage'sisthan that of the , not the, but a lot of. Copy, ,, use these all on , with 5in hand, plus two, you haveof lifeto . It's likegame. There was once a waxwho was madlyby the 's 5lions and two mobs, and lost 40 blood per round, but he waswith threein his hand. In fact, it isto use the, just use amask, and all thein your hand are , until , and 0in the early stage is fine. If youthe Holy Grail , then keep the oldin your hand. After youall the cards in your hand,the , and then use the Holy Grail to catch them all, and you will have a full hand of . 10 3-costwill kill you nowhat.另一边 。
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